Trans Shooters And Reactions


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Is there a rush on Christians killing trans people? You'd think the news would be covering that, because the Democrats are saying trans people are just trying to defend themselves against Christians, and yet all I see is the trans people doing the killing.
I'm sure it'll be all over Twitter. A real live freak show.
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Well-Known Member
Ok - here's another thing that will piss you off -

It's not a crime to hate people. EVERYBODY DOES. As a kid you hated the jerk in class - the geeky know-it-all - the rude TEACHER - the popular kids who looked down on you and laughed at you. Every day in traffic, someone hates someone else.

What is a crime is to harm people via your hate. It's not ok to deprive people, injure people, take away from people - HARM PEOPLE - because of your hate. You can call them names; it's not nice - and you better be prepared for them to react. Name-calling - sorry - everyone has been called a bad word.

You want to squat in your corner of the world and not like someone - go ahead. And if you keep your hate in the form of signs, insults and bad-mouthing people - you actually HAVE that freedom. Everyone in this world has been hated by at least one person, at least once.

You also do not have the "right" to not be offended. EVERYTHING you've ever done - some of it offends someone.


Is there a rush on Christians killing trans people? You'd think the news would be covering that, because the Democrats are saying trans people are just trying to defend themselves against Christians, and yet all I see is the trans people doing the killing.

exactly the left is provoking a community that can be hypersensitive and sometimes dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

In their names:


PREMO Member

Poor journo targeted by ‘right-wing firebrands’ for pointing out Nashville is home to The Daily Wire

This guy again. As Twitchy reported, right after the mass shooting at a private Christian School in Nashville, Tennessee, NBC News contributor Benjamin Ryan just threw it out there that Nashville is also the home of The Daily Wire, an “anti-trans” hub made up of people like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, and Michael Knowles. Who knows? If we ever get to read the killer’s manifesto, we might learn that The Daily Wire was one of her several targets. Maybe she wanted to shoot Walsh’s kids.

Ryan deleted the tweet, but now he’s back crying about “right-wing firebrands” trying to get him fired. He does this while retweeting a Washington Post story, “Nashville shooting exploited by right to escalate anti-trans rhetoric.” Yeah, that’s the story this week.

No, Walsh specifically smeared trans extremists for being extremists. And yet, there are plenty of trans extremists planning a Trans Day of Vengeance. But let’s consider Ryan’s tender feelings.



PREMO Member
Yet, the public relations nightmare and loss of moral high ground could be best exhibited by this footage of protestors in Tennessee, who are holding up seven fingers, one for each victim of the Nashville shooting. They include Hale as one of the victims:

Hale is a murderer who deserves to burn in hell. She killed six people, but to the Left, the right kind of people died. With Covenant being a Christian school, I’m sure many liberals feel these people deserved it; their side did boo God during the 2012 Democratic National Convention. If you’re a progressive, ignore the facts, and focus on the alleged anti-trans bigotry, the supposed transphobic pieces of legislation recently passed, because that is what we should be blaming for Hale’s rampage. Hale’s not to blame at all because of…differing opinions. At its core, that’s what many are suggesting in liberal America. What an obtuse explanation for this tragedy that only snowflakes find satisfying.



Well-Known Member
If Nashville is the home for anti tranny papers and speakers why didn't this tranny go after them?

No she went after children and teachers. . She was a walking POS.


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
In normal times, good leaders and the media would try to calm things down and maybe even bring people together on common ideas. But Noooooo, not these days. Both a taking sides and fanning the fire.

The trans community really should be better students of history. For a violent revolution to triumph, you need some sufficient advantage to overcome your oppressors --- superior numbers or weapons, etc. Since they obviously don't, the Gandhi route would have been a better approach.



PREMO Member

One of the organizers ranted, to whip up the crowd, “This fight does not end here. We keep showing up every single day. We keep making our voices heard.” Then he screamed a modification of the typical radical leftist chant “whose streets, our streets,” making it “whose schools, our schools.”

What’s insane about this all is that it was kicked off after a trans person killed three little children and three adults at a Christian elementary school in Nashville. Yet they don’t seem to give a darn about that, instead as they showed in Tennessee, they called the shooter a “victim” by holding up seven fingers. It was the evil gun that they blamed and were also rallying against, not the shooter’s actions. It was a disgusting take.



PREMO Member

Transgender Person Brandishes Rifle in Clip Weeks Before Covenant School Attack

“While advocating just for trans people to ‘arm ourselves’ is not any kind of a solution to the genocide we are facing,” the caption read in part. “I do want to say that if you transphobes do try to come for me…”

This video came just weeks before the attack on the Covenant School, a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennesse, on March 27. As Breitbart News noted, the suspect in the case identified as transgender.

Newsweek reported that though Denker’s Twitter account is now set to private, the account’s bio at one point read, “The FBI’s joint terrorism task force contacted *me* to let me know that they are watching *YALL harassers,* not me. Because I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The New York Post reached out to the FBI for comment:

FBI officials declined to comment on any “specific claims” when reached Thursday by The Post, but said agents remain vigilant to “detect, disrupt and dismantle” any threats that may emerge related to Saturday’s “Trans Day of Vengeance.”
“As always, we ask members of the public to report anything they consider suspicious to law enforcement,” the FBI’s national press office said in a statement. “Additionally, membership in a group is not illegal in and of itself. In fact, it is protected by the First Amendment.
“The FBI will never open an investigation based solely on protected First Amendment activity. We focus on individuals who commit or intend to commit violence and criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security.”

If you do not AFFIRM Trans Medntal weirdo's you are comiting Genocide and ERASING Trans
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Well-Known Member
Hey Human Rights Campaign. what violence was done to this she/he that caused them to shoot up a school.

Words! Words are violence! If I call you a poopy-head, that's exactly the same as punching you in the face. Or shooting you in the head with something long, black, and scary looking. I'll leave that to your imagination. :whistle:

It's why the vast, vast majority of the leftist sheeple ball their little fists up, stamp their little feeties and scream at the sky in rage, because Trump tweeting mean things is completely and totally, utterly the same thing as committing physical violence against them.

Try to keep up.


Well-Known Member
exactly - trans can do what they want but like I said in a previous thread, transitioning isn't for children, PERIOD. It doesn't belong in our schools. Seriously, what's next? A kid wants to be a pirate, so we remove an eye, give them a wooden leg, and a hook for a hand? When does it stop?

What truly irks me is the teachers want to sexualize children, yet many students are graduating without the basics. I was a supervisor who read reports for court approval and had to check math on restitution owed. I'm hearing impaired, in fact, I am legally deaf in one ear and just below that mark in the other. I spent my elementary school years in speech therapy, so I am a long way from being an English scholar. If I see the errors, it is truly a problem, and when I was thought to be one of the better writers in my department, there is a big problem. I couldn't believe these writers graduated from college. As to the math, OMG, I couldn't believe how many people foiled percentages and monthly payment plans. Math I will say was always my strong quality.
Curses! Foiled again!


Well-Known Member
In normal times, good leaders and the media would try to calm things down and maybe even bring people together on common ideas. But Noooooo, not these days. Both a taking sides and fanning the fire.

The trans community really should be better students of history. For a violent revolution to triumph, you need some sufficient advantage to overcome your oppressors --- superior numbers or weapons, etc. Since they obviously don't, the Gandhi route would have been a better approach.

Let's see...who else called a school shooting a "hoax"?

But no, this is tots okay, because the politically connected did it.


PREMO Member

Three Democrats Facing Expulsion From Tennessee Legislature for Aiding the 'Transurrection'

Monday, three Tennessee bolsheviks were stripped of their committee assignments and locked out of the Tennessee Capitol because of their leading role in the “Transurrection” that took over the capitol building last Wednesday

State Representatives Gloria Johnson and Justin Jones were notified by the Clerk of the Tennessee House of Representatives that they had been stripped of all committee assignments. A third representative, Justin Pearson (Justin as a first name seems to be a thing amount Tennessee Democrats), had no committee assignments. Their ability to enter the legislative facilities was restricted in a separate action.

Three Democrats Barred Facing Expulsion form Legislature for Aiding the 'Transurrection'

Naturally, the anti-American left is beside itself. Gun-grabbing twink, David Hogg, suffered a bout of fecal incontinence if using all caps is any indicator.


The three are trying to portray themselves as some sort of martyrs to the cause of democracy when their actions show they had much more in common with communist revolutionaries than with any part of American political tradition. The left is trying to whitewash their actions by claiming they didn’t lead the protesters. That’s true, as far as it goes. What the three did was move to the presiding officer’s bench with a bullhorn and lead the protesters in the gallery in chants.



PREMO Member

Tennessee Republicans described the protesters as trying to start an insurrection. Predictably, infuriated democrats immediately called the vote “racist,” “fascist,” AND undemocratic, since expelled reps Pearson and Jones are black, whereas un-expelled Johnson is a white woman. We note without comment that black democrats cheered when Johnson’s successful vote finished.

The execrable Hill story quoted a dozen enraged democrats but not a single Republican. Nor did the Hill describe what the representatives actually did that provoked the vote.

The Republicans pointed out that the expelled representatives were actually the ones who were racists:

Ironically, representative Jones is well-known for calling for other house members to be expelled:

The brownshirts, I mean peaceful protestors, over at Antifa aren’t too happy about losing their brothers-in-arms and are calling for more mostly-peaceful protesting:
