Trans Shooters And Reactions


PREMO Member

Body Checking the Fact-Checkers – POLITIFACT

  • Apparently, there is such a thing as "Authorized Protesters" on a State House floor.
Last week, we covered how a local reporter had to reclassify the mob of trans rights protestors who flooded into the Tennessee state capitol. Apparently, this “Transurrection” was about these folks getting mad that people noticed the Nashville shooter was a trans individual. Or some such.

Well, when Laura Ingraham covered this, she stated that the protestors had stormed onto the House floor to protest with a bullhorn. PolitiFact stormed in themselves, in a manner, to declare her statement was entirely FALSE.

How? Well…it turned out that a few House members took up the cause of the protesters, and they had been at the lectern. And were protesting. And were using the bullhorn:

The video clip Ingraham played did not show unauthorized protesters on the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives. It showed Tennessee state Rep. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, holding a megaphone and a "protect kids not guns" sign, flanked by state Reps. Justin J. Pearson, D-Memphis, and Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville. The three lawmakers took over the lectern on the House floor and led chants echoed by the protesters gathered in the galleries, which are open to the public.

So they…protested but were not protesters. This is what you are going with as your “correction”?



Well-Known Member
They want action against gun violence, and they want that action to be taking away the rights of innocent Americans and allowing the perpetrators of gun violence to be the only ones with guns.

For the old adage of "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" is definitely a truism.

And in this case People --formerly law-abiding People---who refuse to give up their guns will become an army of outlaws overnight.


PREMO Member

The increasingly dangerous transgender movement sweeping America

By Andrea Widburg

On his Friday night show, Tucker Carlson called “transgender” activists the most dangerous domestic terrorists in America. He’s correct. They are the equivalent of religious fanatics because they have a manic faith that is belied by observable reality, which means they that constantly have to pitch themselves to a high emotional amplitude to override the real world impinging on their faith. The Democrats, from Biden on down, rather than working to tamp down this madness, are doing their best to amplify this insane frequency, by assuring these already maddened people that they are the victims of a planned Republican “genocide.” The escalating number of violent attacks by this mentally-ill multitude is increasing and will continue to do so.

This post compiles some of the evidence into three categories (Exhibits A, B, and C). Exhibit D is a bonus statement from Matt Walsh that I wish every so-called transgender person could hear and internalize.

Exhibit A: I’ve embedded Tucker Carlson’s superb monologue about what is happening in the transgender movement, including his segment about what happened to Riley Gaines.

As bonus content for Exhibit A, here’s a video of the attack on Billboard Chris, up in Canada. Note his complete passivity because the Canadian police refused to arrest his attacker, claiming Chris “instigated” the attack—the instigation in his case being that he says children cannot consent to castrating chemicals and surgical mutilation:

Exhibit B: These two Twitter threads discuss what so-called “transgender” activists are doing and why they’re doing it. First, from Ian Haworth, what they’re doing (language warning):



PREMO Member

It was disgraceful behavior all around: by the radicals, but also by the school for failing to protect the safety of a speaker and failing to punish or hold anyone accountable in any way for the violent actions. The University police also released a statement that there hadn’t been any arrests made.

Gaines went on Tucker Carlson’s show saying that this wasn’t going to stop her from speaking out on behalf of women’s rights — she said, “I will not be silenced” and indicated that she would be taking action against the people involved. She also ripped the statement by Moore, saying it was “the opposite of peaceful.”



PREMO Member

10 Disturbing Responses by LGBTQ+ Activists After the Nashville School Shooting

1. March 28: Tennessee

In a video posted on TikTok, a transgender activist holding a makeshift spear encourages other transgender individuals in Tennessee to die fighting police officers and straights who oppose the trans agenda.

The activist says in the video: “Fight them. Hurt them. If they put their hands on you, beat them.” This individual claims that transgender people are under attack, saying, “It’s time to fight back.”

If police officers try to arrest a transgender person, the activist says, “beat them, team up, gang together, [and] get people who agree with you to come and fight.”

The person in the video also commands transgender individuals to carry weapons, attack police officers, and fight prison guards. The maker of the TikTok video “disowns” any transgender person who doesn’t agree that the trans community faces genocide threats.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of frightening to see so many people who's minds are so phucked up they actually believe people can change their sex.
What kind of insanity makes someone be violent over such a crazy notion?

My advice to parents is if you love your children and you want them to remain sane keep them in a Community College at home and stay the hell away from liberal colleges.


PREMO Member

Transgender Teacher Who Threatened to Shoot Students Gets Booted from School

A transgender teacher in Hernando County, Florida has been fired from Fox Chapel Middle School over comments that threatened the safety of students.

Alexander Renczkowski, who goes by Ashlee, admitted to having suicidal thoughts and wanted to shoot some students, according to Fox 13. In a Hernando County Sheriff's Office report from March 24, Renczkowski told the guidance counselor being upset after learning "about a social media post where people were talking negatively about [Renczkowski's] sexual orientation." Renczkowski also revealed to be in possession of "three handguns at home" and wanting "to shoot some students due to them not performing to their ability."


Just sneakin' around....
And from past history, what usually happens with disgruntled employees who get fired and have guns?

That school notice makes it sound like "it's all been taken care of, nothing to see here."


PREMO Member

🔥 On Wednesday, the Post Millennial ran a story with this pronoun-mangling headline: “Trans Florida Teacher ‘Ashlee’ Who Allegedly Said They Were ‘Going to Shoot the Kids’ Then Themselves Remains in Classroom Despite Parents’ Complaints.”

The subheadline encouragingly added, “During a home visit, a deputy removed the three firearms and ammunition that Renczkowski possessed.”

Here’s how it started. On March 24th, the Fox Chapel Middle School’s resource officer wrote up a report about his investigation of the unattractive cross-dressing teacher’s recent disturbing comments:

Ashlee walked to Kimberly's office and started to explain that she learned about a social media post where people were talking negatively about Ashlee's sexual orientation, it should be noted that Ashlee was born as a male but is currently in the transformation stage of becoming a woman.

Ashlee is taking hormone medications and is planning on having surgery over the summer. Ashlee also expressed that she sometimes has suicidal thoughts. Kimberly asked if Ashlee had any access to firearms. Ashlee replied that she had three handguns at home. Kimberly continued speaking with Ashlee about other topics that were triggers for her. Ashlee explained that some students in her fourth period class were not performing to their abilities and how Ashlee seems to care more about their success than the students do. Kimberly advised that Ashlee made a comment that she wanted to shoot some students due to them not performing to their ability. Kimberly advised that Ashlee immediately stated that she would never harm a student. Kimberly advised me that Ashlee shared short term and long term plans with Kimberly and Ashlee did not seem to be in a crisis at this time.

Kimberly immediately notified Kerry and the two then came to notify the SRO of the situation. It should be noted that Kimberly began to reiterate that she has short term memory issues and she is starting to second guess the conversation she had with Ashlee so far as the details and the order of events with the conversation.

Parents were outraged that the school didn’t notify anyone about the incident. Mr. Renczkowski (“Ashlee”) is a married man, wedded to Fawn Renczkowski, another teacher at the same district, who herself is a mermaid.

On Wednesday, Hernando County School District released a statement supporting the transitioning teacher. But on Thursday, pressured by parents and the Florida Department of Education, Hernando County school district removed “Ashlee.”

However, as of this morning, Mr. Renczkowski is still employed at Fox Chapel.

There’s probably a long union-driven process required to terminate Renczkowski’s employment. But given the rash of trans-fueled violence, it’s probably a good idea for Mr. Renczkowski to pursue other, more rewarding employment opportunities.



Well-Known Member
Well here is my opinion.

it should be noted that Ashlee was born as a male but is currently in the transformation stage of becoming a woman.​

It cannot be done If he was born a man he will stay a man. He can become a mutilated man , but he is still a man--- married to a mermaid.?
These two nut cases are teaching children. WTF. They should not be anywhere near kids.

Kids in colleges are protesting a woman who believes women's sports are for women. Some Tranny assaulted her. and these students are backing the tranny. This is what has become of our colleges. This is the tripe being taught to our youth. Please Americans. Think twice before sending your child off to be brainwashed by these twisted ,alleged intelligent freaks.


PREMO Member

Nashville Controversy Reveals Liberals' Anti-Democracy Double Standard | Opinion

In the last two years, the defense of democracy has been central to the Democratic Party's attempt to portray itself as the last line of defense against Republicans' alleged authoritarianism. But as recent events in Nashville showed, Democrats' alleged fealty to democracy and abhorrence for agitators and mobs seeking to disrupt the legislative branch of government is more a matter of situational ethics than actual principle. As the career of a new Democratic idol, Tennessee State Rep. Justin Jones, demonstrates, they're only against anti-democratic rioters when they're seeking to silence Republicans.

Jones became a national celebrity when, along with two other Democrats—Reps. Justin Pearson and Gloria Johnson—he disrupted a March 30 session of the Tennessee legislature to demand that it consider anti-gun rights laws that he supported. Acting in conjunction with a mob of demonstrators that had flooded the state capitol in Nashville, the trio, armed with bullhorns, seized the podium and shut down the assembly, ranting about Republicans being complicit in mass shootings. The demonstrators were kept outside the chamber but harassed both legislators and cops who were present. Eventually, order was restored and days later the legislature voted to expel Jones and Pearson. Johnson escaped the same fate by only a narrow margin.

At that point, the national media and leading Democrats like former president Barack Obama treated the state legislators' expulsion as the only salient part of the story, ignoring the events of March 30. In that way, they turned Jones into a martyr and used the episode as more proof of the GOP's supposed authoritarianism.

The hypocrisy and dishonesty of this narrative is staggering.


PREMO Member

Tranissaries: The Trans Movement’s Striking Parallels to a Dark and Forgotten Practice in the Ottoman Empire

The modern American regime has many soldiers who do battle on its behalf. There are the BLM rioters who loot helpless bodegas and shoe stores any time a “gentle giant” succumbs to a trooper’s bullet or a policeman’s knee. There are AWFLs; the pink pussy-hat wearers who attend every protest and enforce every newly-invented norm. There are Antifa; the violent actors who torch cars, besiege courthouses, and burn police stations.

But one class of warriors stands apart from all the rest. Call them the “trannissaries.” Or, if you prefer something even sillier, “tranny jannies.”

For those who didn’t grow up playing Age of Empires II, janissaries were the elite soldiers of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which conquered the entire Balkans and Near East during the 15th and 16th centuries. They fought and won the toughest battles for the last and greatest of the Islamic empires that waged war against Christian Europe.

Today, it’s common on Twitter or in comments sections to see people quip that the most elite, tip-of-the-spear troopers for modern leftism are America’s growing pool of transgender people. Or, as the pun goes, “trannissaries.”

Why is the transgender movement so “successful?” In no small part, it’s because of how fanatically committed its members are to defending and advancing their ascended fetish. Why is transvestite content so successful online? Because transsexual radicals make up a very disproportionate share of moderators and power users on sites like Reddit or Wikipedia, and will harass or ban all who stand against them. Why is drag queen story hour everywhere? Because it turns out there are a whole lot of creepy autogynephiles eagerly volunteering to hang out with young children.

Why are transvestites in sports such an issue now? Because there are fetishists like Lia Thomas and Fallon Fox who enjoy using sports as an excuse to humiliate puny women.

The tranny/janny comparison has been made many times before. But aside from the truly excellent wordplay at its heart, most people only compare trannissaries to janissaries because both are “shock troops” for a formidable regime. For instance, here’s the excellent American Greatness:

If it wasn’t already clear, the shooter in Nashville was a Janissary, a demented footsoldier of an evil, totalitarian ideology that wishes to remake the world in its demonic image.

But in fact, this is far more than some simple joke. For one: did you know that nearly a third of American male-to-female transsexuals are veterans, and that was despite them being officially banned from serving at the time this was studied?
