Governor Transcript: October 19 Hopkins APL Building 201 Opening


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GOVERNOR HOGAN: Thank you. It’s very great to be here with all of you. We have a multitude of people. I want to thank you for having me here this morning. Our state is incredibly proud to be home to Johns Hopkins University and especially proud of the critical program, the largest research center in America. It’s right here that some of the leading researchers and engineers workday in and day out with the urgent challenges facing our nation.

And a survey was the most improved state for business in America based largely on our relentless focus on innovation, and we’re home to 15 of the top 20 aerospace companies in the nation among all 50 states. Second in the nation for percentage of professional technical workers and Maryland’s first computer scientists. And we’re working hard every day to continue building the most highly skilled and highly educated workforce in America.

Which is why I’m so pleased to be able to join all of you here today in this as we officially open. But this is an incredible state-of-the-art facility featuring 90,000 square feet of space, including microelectronic labs, imaging labs, physics labs, all of this that is going to be utilized to solve serious problems in biological sciences. It will provide collaborative workspaces where the work of the facility happens. And that’s an incredible talent that is here in this room and in the building, and the hard work you do each and every day.

I want to thank each and every one of you. This entire facility is designed to encourage collaborative work environment as far as innovation and creativity. We talk about some of the leaders at some of the various things going on, the innovation and creativity happening here in this facility.

And I have no doubt that this facility will help transform the way we operate as we continue to position Johns Hopkins and APL as an epicenter for problem solving and mission critical breakthroughs. I just want to congratulate and thank everyone who was a part of making this building happen. I want to thank and express the appreciation of all the people of our state for the men and women who worked here, the work that you’re doing. Today is another shining example that Johns Hopkins is and will continue to be a state, national and local leader. Thank you very much. And at this time I’m going to ask Dr. Semmel officially to commemorate.
