Transgender Preachers


New Member
I decided it just wasn't a good thing to bring up.... it was mean

The effectiveness of preaching rest solely in the scripture verses spoken. It is the word that is powerful ,NOT those who are speaking the word or those who present themselves as speaking for God.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.Hebrews 4:12

The simple solution to all these type questions is "read it for yourself"!


New Member
The effectiveness of preaching rest solely in the scripture verses spoken. It is the word that is powerful ,NOT those who are speaking the word or those who present themselves as speaking for God.
I agree with this.

Have you ever noticed that in the book of Acts, it is always "the word" being preached that causes the increase in conversions. Not persuasive logic, but the gospel being preached.

However, the Scripture does also exhort to proper behavior because it can damage your testimony to the gospel. But I'd argue, if you are acting badly, you aren't preaching the gospel to yourself everyday. If you don't preach it to yourself daily, how can you proclaim to others?


Well-Known Member
I agree with this.

Have you ever noticed that in the book of Acts, it is always "the word" being preached that causes the increase in conversions. Not persuasive logic, but the gospel being preached.

However, the Scripture does also exhort to proper behavior because it can damage your testimony to the gospel. But I'd argue, if you are acting badly, you aren't preaching the gospel to yourself everyday. If you don't preach it to yourself daily, how can you proclaim to others?

How can you agree with that unless you agree with it entirely? You did stick a big "but" in your response, but still, how can you say that?

Anyone that is known to be a homosexual or trans-gender preaching God's word is by itself blasphemy.

I'm sorry, but anyone of those sexual orientations are lying to themselves, as well as those that are listening. One must assume they are still practicing that lifestyle. If not, they would surely condemn said lifestyle.

The Word carries the impact from those that preach it. Homosexual/trans gender that practice their lifestyles and preach it, are defiling what the Bible teaches. And lying to those that are listening.


New Member
How can you agree with that unless you agree with it entirely? You did stick a big "but" in your response, but still, how can you say that?

Anyone that is known to be a homosexual or trans-gender preaching God's word is by itself blasphemy.

I'm sorry, but anyone of those sexual orientations are lying to themselves, as well as those that are listening. One must assume they are still practicing that lifestyle. If not, they would surely condemn said lifestyle.

The Word carries the impact from those that preach it. Homosexual/trans gender that practice their lifestyles and preach it, are defiling what the Bible teaches. And lying to those that are listening.
Nowhere did I say it is righteous. Have you ever had to deal with a transgender person who became a Christian after the change and after marrying a person of their former sex? What do you do?

So let me clarify that I agree with the what I perceive the spirit of the post to be, which is the word is pre-eminent, not the speaker.

When I read the scripture it says this:

Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. (Philippians 1:15-18 ESV)


PREMO Member
I decided it just wasn't a good thing to bring up.... it was mean

Transgender Preachers

saying you were born the wrong gender is saying God Made a mistake .....
that right there IMHO eliminates you from the pool of candidates to spread the word

sure you can speak the words, but is the spirit going to follow ...


Routinely Derailed
I can see THIS is going to go on for a while. :popcorn:

There is a whole spectrum of opinions on this topic, some with merit and some without. The test is in the Bible, as always.

As for the transgender thing, it presents a new manifestation of an old problem. Although most of us can agree that the person in the pulpit is as much a sinner as anyone else, and sin is a declaration that we're going to do something despite what God wants, there are few examples as graphically evident as active addiction and sexual deviation or malpractice.

Simply stated, choosing to change one's gender isn't the perverted sexual practice like some things we can name, as much as it is the presumption that one knows better than God does - or chooses something despite what God has already chosen.

It's worth noting that churches choose whom they will put in the pulpit. In many ways the pastor reflects the values and morality of the congregation. So the issues are broader than the individual who preaches.


New Member
Transgender Preachers

saying you were born the wrong gender is saying God Made a mistake .....
that right there IMHO eliminates you from the pool of candidates to spread the word

sure you can speak the words, but is the spirit going to follow ...
Its not that cut and dry unfortunately.

For instance, let's say a person sinned by changing gender via surgery and got married to somebody of their original gender. Then they become a Christian. What now? Reversal surgery? If so, does that then make them also a homosexual, or were they one already and now are not anymore? Is the marriage desolved or annulled? Probably one of the most difficult scenarios to come across.

And that's just a "regular" Christian, not even getting to ministry.


New Member
I decided it just wasn't a good thing to bring up.... it was mean

First off there is no such thing as being Transgendered secondly there is no such thing as a transgendered preacher its like a woman preacher its an oxy moron as it goes against scripture.

Someone who has gendered issues is simply confused and believing a lie there chromosomes don't change and they will always be what God created them to be.

Reading into this post and between the lines.
I think the questions is what does it mean to be beyond reproach.

Which means no more than you cant be living in a lifestyle which would damage the character and reputation of the person proclaiming the word of god and be a black mark on the gospel. It doesn't however mean that you cant have a past before coming to Christ and that after a certain amount of years or time you cant be qualified if you have truly repented and turn from sin after all Paul was a murder.


New Member
Its not that cut and dry unfortunately.

For instance, let's say a person sinned by changing gender via surgery and got married to somebody of their original gender. Then they become a Christian. What now? Reversal surgery? If so, does that then make them also a homosexual, or were they one already and now are not anymore? Is the marriage desolved or annulled? Probably one of the most difficult scenarios to come across.

And that's just a "regular" Christian, not even getting to ministry.

Biblical repentance would require just that. The mirrage was a never a God ordained marriage in the first place, so it wasnt a marriage it was something other. Also when you turn from your sin it should disgust you and you would do as much as possible to correct the mistakes.


PREMO Member
Biblical repentance would require just that. The mirrage was a never a God ordained marriage in the first place, so it wasnt a marriage it was something other. Also when you turn from your sin it should disgust you and you would do as much as possible to correct the mistakes.

living in sin
