I know... they were little when they got here. I'm guessing from my experience that the ages range from 5-7 weeks. When the worm gets into their body it robs them of nutrients and everything so they can't absorb the food, thereby their heads were bigger than their bodies on the sick ones if that makes sense. It was constant giving it KMR, kyro syrup on the gums, some tuna (if it would eat - last two days it wouldn't) and sugar water and keeping it on a heating pad to keep it going - then let it rest 2-3 hours - just literally keeping it alive and bringing it out of shock until the meds could kick in but all to no avail. I think it was capillaria. They were dewormed by a vet the day after River got them - they were all weighed and everything and mothers were fixed - they were all tested for pankluke, feline luke, rabies, etc... all seemed healthy. I think it was capillaria let me look on the receipt. BRB. I'm just sooo drained from it all, little guy was very weak but would still manage to walk to the litter box and use it, then come out and collapse again. As sick as he was I'm surprised we kept him alive that long. He showed signs of hope and everything after coming back from the vet. Then he just went downhill