When my kids were little, we'd be doing something - riding on a rollercoaster, let's say - and I'd tell them, "You know, I knew this kid one time who was on a rollercoaster just like this. And he had a fracture in his spine. But he didn't *know* he had a fracture in his spine. Anyway, at the end of the coaster ride, you know how the coaster kind of jerks to a stop? Well, it jerked this kid and his head popped clean off his neck. It was awful. Oh look...we're starting up! Hold on!"

So now that they're adults, all I have to say is, "You know, I knew this kid one time..." and they groan.
Ahhh....I love kids. They're so fun!
When my kids were little, we'd be doing something - riding on a rollercoaster, let's say - and I'd tell them, "You know, I knew this kid one time who was on a rollercoaster just like this. And he had a fracture in his spine. But he didn't *know* he had a fracture in his spine. Anyway, at the end of the coaster ride, you know how the coaster kind of jerks to a stop? Well, it jerked this kid and his head popped clean off his neck. It was awful. Oh look...we're starting up! Hold on!"

So now that they're adults, all I have to say is, "You know, I knew this kid one time..." and they groan.

Ahhh....I love kids. They're so fun!