Trial over Texas Trump Train


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The Trial of the Century begins this morning. The Associated Press ran the story yesterday, headlined “Trial begins over Texas 'Trump Train' highway confrontation.

Four years ago in October, 2020, a convoy of excited Trump supporters escorted a Biden-Harris campaign bus through Texas. Neither Biden nor Harris was aboard, but Wendy Davis was riding along. Wendy was a longshot candidate running against Chip Roy (R-Tx.) for Congress. (She lost. Badly.)

Local police refused to arrest the Trump drivers, even though the bus passengers, especially Wendy, sobbed that they felt constantly terrified, definitely intimidated, and were nearly driven off the road several times, creating what they said was a justified fear of imminent death. The groups cross-claimed about each other’s bad language, poor driving, obscene gestures, and traded blame for a minor fender-bender between one of the Trump-supporting trucks and a Davis staffer’s nearby SUV.

A month later, the FBI investigated the “Trump Trainers” and did its best to see if any federal crimes applied, but nobody was charged.

After the election, Ms. Davis, a Biden staffer, and the bus driver sued the Trump Trainers in federal court, alleging civil assault and deprivation of rights under a post-Civil War law aimed at the KKK and Southern Democrats. The antique law, not used since the 1800’s, was meant to stop Democrats and Klansmen from intimidating black folks and the white people supporting them.

In this case, nobody’s alleged any racial motives, and the judge previously ruled race didn’t matter, saying the law was meant to stop all political intimidation, not just KKK-style hijinx. That may be where the case gets interesting, since the judge has interpreted the stale legislation essentially as a hate-speech law.

Of course, the defendants argue their vehicular escort was an exercise of their First Amendment free speech. We’ll see what the Texas jury thinks.

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PREMO Member
🔥 In great news, the Associated Press ran a story yesterday headlined, “Texas jury clears most 'Trump Train’ drivers in civil trial over 2020 Biden-Harris bus encounter.

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Six Trump supporters stood trial this week for “voter intimidation” after a Trump Train of vehicles escorted a Biden/Harris campaign bus down a Texas highway in 2020. Failed gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis and two co-passengers sued the Trump drivers for emotional damages, after Texas police failed to take any interest in any criminal charges.

Yesterday, the jury found five of the six not liable at all. The one driver they did find liable had collided (gently) with the Biden Bus, and the jury awarded $40,000 against him. That driver said he would appeal.

Overall, the jury appears to basically have treated it like a garden-variety collision case, in essence dismissing all the drivers who didn’t collide with anyone.

Crybaby Wendy Davis declared victory. It’s hard to understand how. Four years of litigation to get a $40,000 verdict? A verdict which is yet to be appealed, meaning it will require even more attorneys and even more legal bills before Wendy can collect anything?

It was a common sense verdict from a common sense jury.
