Trick or Treating


New Member
Hi! New to the area and I'm wondering when TorT'ing is done in St. Mary's?? Is it actually done on the 31st or is it done the weekend before?


Well-Known Member
If you live in a main-stream area of Wildewood, figure on having 10-12lbs of treats to give out.

Last year was my first year in WW. They literally brought the kids in by the bus-load.


New Member
Thanks! I was just looking to which day to take my kids out! Thanks!
Though what area is Wildewood?? Maybe I'll take my kids over there!


New Member
wildwood is just past the Cheeseburger In Paradise/Outback/JCPenny's shopping center.

This is our first T/or t'ing experience in our new home in Persimmon Hills. The neighbors and surrounding families have warned us the truckoads of kids come in and driving in here is quite slow moving.

That's on the north side of 5 just past the 5/235 (Wawa) split.


If you live in a main-stream area of Wildewood, figure on having 10-12lbs of treats to give out.

Last year was my first year in WW. They literally brought the kids in by the bus-load.

:shocking: Wow!!! :shocking:


Common sense ain't common
Ok you guys are starting to scare me. :twitch: This is my first Halloween in SOMD. I'm in the Villas at Greenview, a stone's throw from Greenview Knolls Elementary School. How much candy should I get?


Trick or Treat on the Square in Leonardtown- October 27

Make a Scarecrow and Trick-or-Treat with Downtown Merchants

Celebrate the arrival of fall in downtown Leonardtown on Saturday, October 27th, with “Scarecrow Making” and “Trick-or-Treat on the Square” from 1 – 4 PM.

Make a unique decoration for fall by creating a life-size scarecrow from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. with the Old Towne Crafters. There is a cost of $5 per scarecrow, which includes supplies.

Between 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., kids can have fun dressing up in their favorite Halloween costume and “trick-or-treating” participating downtown merchants around the Square. Bring a treat bag to fill with goodies. Trick-or-treating is free, and is sponsored by the Leonardtown Business Association. For more information, call the Commissioners of Leonardtown at 301-475-9791.

This is a PSA


Well-Known Member

Yea - this year I'm just gonna set a chair in the garage and watch TV out there cause the kids are basically non-stop for an hour. Some folks just set up shop on the sidewalk to save the kids the walk to the house.

Back in 1999 Halloween was on a Sunday. That year the kids came by on Saturday (30 Oct). I wonder who decides on stuff like that.


New Member
I usually fill up a huge cooler filled with candy. About 50 dollars worth.. Tell you this it all goes!! I live in CRE. This year I think I am going to cut the amount of candy I get in half.. I just don't like turning kids away because I ran out of candy.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Well, you all are welcome to come trick or treating at my house... (but this being the internet I ain't telling you where I live, if you don't already know)

I bought two big bags of candy for the school Halloween festival, and kept forgetting to sent it in. Then I heard they were good on candy, so I didn't bother....good thing too.

I was volunteering over there and at the end of the night, the kids who stayed 'til the end were walking out of there with still sealed bags of treats...more than they could carry.

Sooo, I still have two big bags of candy and will only get a dozen or so kids.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Yea - this year I'm just gonna set a chair in the garage and watch TV out there cause the kids are basically non-stop for an hour. Some folks just set up shop on the sidewalk to save the kids the walk to the house.

Back in 1999 Halloween was on a Sunday. That year the kids came by on Saturday (30 Oct). I wonder who decides on stuff like that.
Idiots... some mamby pamby HOA-types will occasionally make noise about ToTing on weekends instead of a weeknight or some folks whine about celebrating a so-called pagan holiday on a Sunday... it's all :bs:

Halloween is one of these holidays that where pagans and Christians celebrated something similar and the Christians who were trying to convert the pagans realized the value of incorporating native beliefs in order to win converts, so they rolled it all into one.


What love is all about
I usually fill up a huge cooler filled with candy. About 50 dollars worth.. Tell you this it all goes!! I live in CRE. This year I think I am going to cut the amount of candy I get in half.. I just don't like turning kids away because I ran out of candy.

You could always just set the candy outside and sit inside while the kids trick or treat and then you dont have to see the disappointed faces when you run out. Where is the best places to take my kids? I took my oldest last year to the fire house in Lexington Park and down South Essex. My moms car broke down so we werent able to go anywhere else but my daughter still got more candy than she needed. It also doesnt help though that most of the candy was stuff she wouldnt eat.

I liked her first year out in Missouri. We were in a small town and the rich people of the town would buy full size candy bars and hand out. That was awesome they would even give them to the adults that was with the kids. I want to go back there and trick or treat.


New Member
I liked her first year out in Missouri. We were in a small town and the rich people of the town would buy full size candy bars and hand out. That was awesome they would even give them to the adults that was with the kids. I want to go back there and trick or treat.

You live in the wrong neighborhood. My neighbors give out full size candy bars, large bags of candy and toys. Many have haunted garages for the kids to walk through. We have block parties. Someone is always grilling and gives out hot dogs with the works. My neighborhood is fun!


What love is all about
Your right I do live in the wrong place. That is what I miss the most. The community feeling. Everyone knows you. The down part is that means they also know your business. But I like the feeling of a small town. I want to find the place that gives out full size candy bars. I remember when I was a kid and I would go trick or treating. I lived in Hollywood and I know they would give you something to drink and give you cookies along with candy. Why cant people be like that anymore.


curiouser and curiouser
You live in the wrong neighborhood. My neighbors give out full size candy bars, large bags of candy and toys. Many have haunted garages for the kids to walk through. We have block parties. Someone is always grilling and gives out hot dogs with the works. My neighborhood is fun!
That sounds awesome!


New Member
I hate to see neighborhoods get ganged up on.

Places like Wildewood are magnets for people in the more rural area's to bring their kids.

Out here in the Boonies we get maybe 7 or 8 kids. Its too far for them to walk between homes . people like to see their kids get goodies so they go where the houses are thickest.

My belief is that people should stick to their own neighborhoods, unfortunately they dont, and places like Wildewood get the load.


New Member
We live in the back and beyond...only got 3 kids last year. I always buy MY favorite candy, so I won't be disappointed with the left overs.:lmao:


New Member
My belief is that people should stick to their own neighborhoods, unfortunately they dont, and places like Wildewood get the load.

Why do people take their kids to strangers houses? When I was a kid the houses were to far apart to walk. We got in the car and drove to relatives and friends. We ended up staying 20 minutes at each house because they wanted to take pictures and talk. I had fun. I don't feel that I missed anything because we didn't go to 200 houses.