Trolling 'It just makes me happy"


Lawful neutral
'It just makes me happy when I can make someone angry' - A special investigation into the dark world of trolling | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

BEN spends up to 70 hours a week on the internet getting high on other people's anger and despair.

The unemployed 19-year-old from Victoria - who spoke to on the condition of anonymity - doesn't go out much and doesn't have many real friends, but he doesn't feel alone. He believes he's part of a community of similar-minded people who scour the web looking for pages to vandalise and lives to upset.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BEN spends up to 70 hours a week on the internet getting high on other people's anger and despair.

Hell, he should start a community forum. Then he can get high on anger and despair and get paid for it.



BEN spends up to 70 hours a week on the internet getting high on other people's anger and despair.

yep just another Bully ......

...... people like him should have their fingers broken, back to the elbow


Well-Known Member
'It just makes me happy when I can make someone angry' - A special investigation into the dark world of trolling | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

BEN spends up to 70 hours a week on the internet getting high on other people's anger and despair.

The unemployed 19-year-old from Victoria - who spoke to on the condition of anonymity - doesn't go out much and doesn't have many real friends, but he doesn't feel alone. He believes he's part of a community of similar-minded people who scour the web looking for pages to vandalise and lives to upset.

Hank maybe ?