Troop Care Packages


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Today, I'm calling all kossacks with an invitation to show the wingers how to walk the walk by supporting the troops with some good old fashioned care packages. It's a great way to support those men and women who will not be home for the holidays and sending care packages Iraq and Afghanistan is easier than most folks realize. So, here's some specific information on where to find soldiers to support, what to send, and the ins and outs of mailing care packages overseas. I promise, it's easier than you think and you'll feel wonderful walking away from that post office counter."

Daily Kos: Troop Care Packages


New Member
Thanks for the link. This really gets me into the Holiday Spirit. :yahoo: The following quote from your link is a great plan.
"Quote “
The NUMBER ONE request from the troops is for letters of support from home, especially from kids. Address letters to "Dear Soldier" or "Dear Marine" etc., and write as if you were sending a letter to a friend. Hearing about what's happening at home boosts a soldier's morale in a big way. It's great to send care packages, but not everyone has the resources. A letter of support is a powerful thing to a soldier away from home, often for the first time, in a hostile environment.
Don't have access to a roomfull of kids? Neither do I. Be creative. How about taking along some cool papers, pens, markers, stickers, etc. to your Thanksgiving celebration. It's a great way to keep the kids out from underfoot, teach them what "support the troops" means, and tell them about your family's military history. No kids? How about a bunch of friends, your bowling league, your dart team, your Drinking Liberally chapter? Unquote”

Homer J

Power Chord
My son goes to GMHS. They just finished packing up about 130 boxes of personal care, comfort items to send to the troops.

Just thought people might like to hear something good about Great Mills for a change.
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