Truck Fulls of Mulch


Indy Bound
Since Spring will be coming hopefully soon, does anyone know where I can find a truck full of the red mulch? Its the higher quality mulch and I would like it delivered.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen either the red or the cedar mulch in bulk. Two years ago I started getting the cedar mulch in 3 cu. ft. bags from Lowes or Walmart and if the price is right it's competitive to regular mulch in bulk. No argument, it is more $ but no mess and no wheel marks in the yard and you don't have waste as you buy exactly how much is needed.

Deans had it also. Deans and Lowes deliver as does Sneads Hardware.


Last year, I got a truck load of mulch. I will never do that again. I swept tons of it out of the back of the truck that never made it to my gardens. In the future, I will buy bags. The people next door had some delivered and most of it was left on the ground.


Originally posted by IM4Change
Last year, I got a truck load of mulch. I will never do that again. I swept tons of it out of the back of the truck that never made it to my gardens. In the future, I will buy bags. The people next door had some delivered and most of it was left on the ground.

Yeah, same here on that one. We got a truck load like that, and we wasted more than we used!
Get bags!


Sorry about that chief.
Since I'm cheap I went to the county landfill (not the convenience center) and loaded up the truck with free mulch. As much as you want, granted not as pretty as the store bought but works the same.


Indy Bound
Well the reason I need the red is the house we just bought already has the red mulch throught all the house and it would be twice as much work taking it out and putting a different kind. I will need about 50 bags of mulch so I figured having a truck load would be easier.


Originally posted by jeneisen
Well the reason I need the red is the house we just bought already has the red mulch throught all the house and it would be twice as much work taking it out and putting a different kind. I will need about 50 bags of mulch so I figured having a truck load would be easier.

Why would you have to take out the old?


Indy Bound
Well I guess I wouldn't have to but it would look better to have a clean slate especially since I have to plant new flowers anyway.


New Member
High School fundraisers

Patuxent and Thomas Stone HS (just 2 I know of) sell mulch for their fundraisers. You order it in advance and they deliver by the bag, not truck.

You might want to contact the schools to see if they can get you the red.