TRUIST Bank Master card......


Well-Known Member
We've had a SunTrust / TRUIST account for years. They used MasterCard for credit card users for years. Never a problem.

Well, they changed over to VISA recently. Like many of you we have several automatic payments with the MasterCard. The expiration month of our cards is soon. So, we were notified the other day that one of our recent automatic pymts was declined because the card was cancelled. Was it hacked? No. We pay in full each month on the cards. So what was it? Well after going thru Hakteesh, Mujambi, "Choe" (an American named "Choe" in Timbuktu), a TRUIST credit card manager, told me the accounts were disabled already because we are getting our new cards within "7-14 beeezneees days." It's a surprise.... but my local bank manager confirmed it.

Check your TRUIST cards folks...


Well-Known Member
I use Truist, not impressed. Local branches here are WAY better than Kingport,Tn. Only reason I don't switch is hassle of direct deposits.