Truly insulting Wellstone

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK dems,

If you have any doubt why so many people from Republicans to Independents think so lowly of you, it was on full display at the Wellstone memorial service yesterday. Even Jesse Ventura, no fan in any way of the GOP, walked out in disgust.

I watched some of it on TV and it was worse than this article describes.

Now's your chance to show some class.


Typical Demi scum!!

Wow, this thread keeps popping back up, just slightly different.


Keeping It Clean

Even I am shocked at this article! The Human Beings involved here should be ashamed. "I wonder what demsford would say?"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Why is anyone surprised at this? I'd really like to hear that answer.

Lott and Ventura should have known better than to attend this troll festival.

*wonder how long till this thread disappears*
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Attire Monitor
I agree!

To turn a memorial service into a political rally is not only shameful, but disgraceful.
It shows once again that the Dems will stop at nothing to further their own cause.

And I have to add my horror at the 7 minute piece given KKT on the Today Show on NBC today. I usually love that show, but the blatant favoritism shown was disgusting. How ironic that it aired so soon before the election.
I'm well aware of the media's liberal tendencies, but this was so blatant and obviously it turned my stomach!


Why is anyone surprised at this?

I was!

I thought that everyone could act like decent human being for one hour, but when I saw that article on Cheney getting snubbed, I was starting to wonder. It did turn out worse than I expected.


New Member
Ok, here we go. The display at the memorial service was deplorable, I cannot defend that. But, I honestly believe that Paul Wellstone would have wanted that. His son got things started and Senator Wellstone hated Republicans. I think it was wrong for them to show up in the first place. They demeaned that man his entire tenure, but in death they are friends? No, no, no, no, no. Lott should have stayed away.

Snow Shovel

New Member
Really don’t want to start an unpleasant exchange, as I am sure all of this has been said before, however the comments rationalizing boorish behavior are disingenuous.

Republicans “demeaned” Mr. Wellstone, giving Democrats license to act like drunken frat boys at the gentleman’s memorial service? Just doesn’t make sense.

I am sure Mr. Wellstone deserved a more dignified memorial. Shame his party wasn't able to provide it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
Ok, here we go. The display at the memorial service was deplorable, I cannot defend that. But, I honestly believe that Paul Wellstone would have wanted that. His son got things started and Senator Wellstone hated Republicans. I think it was wrong for them to show up in the first place. They demeaned that man his entire tenure, but in death they are friends? No, no, no, no, no. Lott should have stayed away.

Wait, a man is concidered demeaned when people of differing points of view challenge him? But when the Democratic rally for Mondale (because that is what it really was) boos and hisses at fellow Congressmen (that thought they were attending a memorial service for a member of their profession) you don't have an issue with it? What a HYPOCRITE you are.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

People like you make attempts at deceny and honesty incredibly difficult.

I correctly chastise my own for being disrespectul of the Wellstone tragedy and my crew basically says "BS, dems are a bunch of nasty jerks no matter what...they earn nor seserve any respect..."

And then you coming racing along to prove them right and make me look like an ### for caring about showing respect to you as a party.

First, you flat out lie:

His son got things started and Senator Wellstone hated Republicans.

Unlike Kennedy, Clinton, Byrd, Leahy and others, Wellstone was noted by his opponents as being of utmost integrity, a good person, honest and dignified. Nowhere can you show that Wellstone "hated republicans" because it simply is not true.

As you seem to know nothing about the man you might need to also know he was in favor impeaching little Bill.

Lott and others were there as his FRIENDS, people he worked with. Other members of the GOP from Minnesota, personal friends, were there to simply pay respect, something commonly done at MEMORIAL services.

Maybe Kyle and others are right. Maybe you people are so petty, small and vicious that you can't see honest debate where people fight tooth and nail for opposite positions, let the votes decided then go home as friends, respectful and maybe even admiring.

Maybe the only thing thing that does matter to you is raw power however gained.

Very Clintonesque of you to state:

Ok, here we go. The display at the memorial service was deplorable, I cannot defend that

then go about defending it;

They demeaned that man his entire tenure, but in death they are friends? No, no, no, no, no. Lott should have stayed away.

Oh, the final straw in your ugliness?

But, I honestly believe that Paul Wellstone would have wanted that

Your narrow minded, uniformed "thought" is belied by the simple fact that Paul Wellstone never did such any ugly thing in his life.

In death, you're going to speak for him?

I don't think so.

I wonder if you are capable of shame? Doesn't sound like it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I, personally, think the pep rally was a fitting tribute to Paul Wellstone. While he may not have been a vindictive, petty, childish partisan, he was the patron saint of those who are. So too bad. You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.