Trump has no path


Well-Known Member
Tough news

Trump today is worse than Hillary in 2016.

I drove through all of St. Mary’s this weekend, not a single Trump sign.

I think Biden will get a trifecta of a dem house. Senate, and presidency. He’s the best.

Keep pushing the grifter, did you buy that bible?


Well-Known Member
Tough news

Trump today is worse than Hillary in 2016.

I drove through all of St. Mary’s this weekend, not a single Trump sign.

I think Biden will get a trifecta of a dem house. Senate, and presidency. He’s the best.

Keep pushing the grifter, did you buy that bible?
There's one on St Andrew's Church road, heading north from Rte 5. I've seen none for Biden.
And this county has never been a bellwether for any state or national election, so I have no idea what a lack of Trump signs in March would mean.

And unless you are trying to be funny, the Senate is looking bleak for the Dems.
Manchin is not running, and that seat will almost certainly flip.

The GOP has 38 seats not running - another 10 are in very safe seats, and two more -
Texas and Florida, with Cruz and Scott - are "close" - but again, Cruz is polling above 50, and Rick Scott is favored to win re-election.
That, with Manchin leaving and putting WV back in the GOP - puts the Senate ar 50-50, with the VP casting the deciding vote.

Then it gets interesting.
Larry Hogan is already polling above 50% against Trone. While I think Hogan is a RINO - he's currently favored to win.
That puts it at 51-49.
Tester in Montana, Brown in Ohio and an open race in Arizona - all rated toss-ups- could push things further.
If even one Republican wins in those states, it doesn't matter if Hogan wins.


Well-Known Member
Tough news

Trump today is worse than Hillary in 2016.

I drove through all of St. Mary’s this weekend, not a single Trump sign.

I think Biden will get a trifecta of a dem house. Senate, and presidency. He’s the best.

Keep pushing the grifter, did you buy that bible?
And yet...Trump 2024 flags everywhere....try again, daddy's lil broken condom...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There is a big Biden sign of Rt 249 across the road from the Beer Cave. Gilligan's neighbor has not put one up in the marsh yet.


Well-Known Member
Tough news

Trump today is worse than Hillary in 2016.

I drove through all of St. Mary’s this weekend, not a single Trump sign.

I think Biden will get a trifecta of a dem house. Senate, and presidency. He’s the best.

Keep pushing the grifter, did you buy that bible?
LOL, All of St. Marys? Obviously your cowpies got mixed into your legal weed!! 🤣🤣


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
We can't just call it, remember we're a "democracy".
Democracy means cheating so the big bad orangeman doesn't get in the WH.

Democracy means never having to hear someone say something they dont' agree with...

Democracy means keeping opposing candidates off the ballot so people don't Fascistly vote for unapproved candidates.

Democracy means never having to take responsibility for the charlie foxtrot you perpetrated on a once free nation in the name of security, safety, science, climate.... ( insert reason here )

You can give up trying to teach those morons we are a Republic, not a Democracy.


Well-Known Member
He couldn't win last time and then he tried to get Pence killed. Submitted fake electors to Congress.

Stole classified documents and refused to return them for 6 months.

Is on the verge of bankruptcy and faces 87 felony charges.

He also looks like he gained 50 lbs, hHs obvious signs of a recent stroke and cognitive decline.

HE likely wont survive until January much less become present again.


Well-Known Member
He couldn't win last time and then he tried to get Pence killed. Submitted fake electors to Congress.

Stole classified documents and refused to return them for 6 months.

Is on the verge of bankruptcy and faces 87 felony charges.

He also looks like he gained 50 lbs, hHs obvious signs of a recent stroke and cognitive decline.

HE likely wont survive until January much less become present again.
Less vehement spittle. More focus on spelling please!