Trump Traps Self in Trade War


Well-Known Member
Trump Traps Self in Trade War

Sun Tzu, who wrote a famous book about war, said, “To a surrounded enemy, you must leave a way of escape.” President Donald Trump, who didn't quite write a famous book about deals, could have followed that advice.

Trump, with a stronger economy and more tariff targets, has always seemed to have the upper hand in his trade war with China. But he keeps underestimating not only China’s capacity for economic pain but also the extent of Xi Jinping’s need to escape this conflict without looking like a loser, writes Bloomberg’s editorial board. So he keeps making such mistakes as last week’s unprovoked threat of more tariffs, to which China retaliated by, among other things, warning it was ready to launch a currency war. That threat hammered stocks and raised the risk of a recession. Despite starting off with a cornered opponent, Trump has blundered into his own trap, reducing the chances of an economy-saving deal.

It is not surprising that Trump doesn't understand "The Art of the Deal" when playing at these levels. He wasn't very good at "The Art of the Deal" when all he did was put his name on buildings.

It’s entirely possible Trump’s latest trade-war threat was merely designed to get the Federal Reserve to act, as Shuli Ren notes. And Trump has certainly put the Fed in its own bind, Karl Smith writes: The central bank’s job is to stabilize the economy, so it must cut rates whenever Trump destabilizes the economy. But in so doing, it enables Trump and makes itself seem politically compromised.

Then again, before last week, Trump could still blame a recalcitrant Fed for an economic slowdown or recession. Now he has made himself the far more obvious scapegoat, writes Brian Chappatta. Not a great look going into 2020.

This is our "4d chess player"!!! :killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme


Well-Known Member
If anything, this falls squarely on Trump's shoulders. This is his baby and he can't blame this on the fake news or Democrats.


Well-Known Member
If anything, this falls squarely on Trump's shoulders. This is his baby and he can't blame this on the fake news or Democrats.

Of course it does.

But Trump is out there almost everyday claiming it is: 1. everyone else's fault. 2. CHINA is paying the tariffs 3. China is ready to make a deal at any minute or 4. every negative article is nothing more than fake news.

And the dumbass ignorati/cultist types believe Trump's tweets instead of the facts that are staring them right in the face.

It does not surprise me that no one reads these posts....ignoring reality is the most convenient way to continue to rationalize your vote for a man who is so inept, so incompetent and so unfit to be President.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
It does not surprise me that no one reads these posts....
Why would you assume that? Because you don't always get comments?

In any event, you should be glad, right? At this rate, with so many failures no way Trump wins in 2020? Right?

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