"I followed the orders of Republican leadership and apologized."
-Joe Wilson, responding to questions concerning his hypocritical apology to the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009.
His apology reminded me a lot of why I liked Bush in the first place. See, Bush, before he was elected, made some crude comment about a POS reporter which was accidentally broadcast because his mic wasn't cut. His apology was to the man's family for any embarrassment it may have caused, and to the man for overhearing what was intended as a private comment.
Not for calling the man what he was, but for people hearing it who shouldn't have.
Wilson did the same thing; he recognized that it is horrifically improper for someone to call out the president in the middle of a joint session speech. He wasn't sorry for pointing out Obama's lies, just for the timing of calling them out, the lack of civility in the manner in which he called them out.
If he ran here, I'd vote for him.