TSA and wounded Marine


This story makes me cry. UFB. What is wrong with those people? Can't they be taught? I understand the safety thing, but come on.


Well-Known Member
This story makes me sick. The wanna be security guards TSA harassing a real American hero.


I sent the article to my husband and he told me it made him physically ill. He had a few other choice words I won't repeat here.


New Member
The Transportation Security Administration is pushing back on reports it forced a wheelchair-bound member of the Marines to remove his prosthetic legs during an airport security screening.
The agency said it viewed the tape of the alleged incident, which drew the attention of lawmakers, and found the Marine's screening was "done by the book."

"After reviewing TSA video (CCTV), interviewing and receiving written statements from all officers involved, we found that the soldier was not asked and did not remove his prosthetic legs," TSA blogger Bob Burns wrote in a post on the agency's website.

"The screening was done by the book and lasted a total of 8 minutes from beginning to end," Burns continued. "By chance, the screening was conducted by two TSA Officers who were prior military. One was in the U.S. Air Force for 18 years, and the other was in the U.S. Marine Corps for 13 years."

Read more: TSA denies Marine forced to remove prosthetic legs - The Hill's Transportation Report
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