Tucker Carlson: Things are falling apart very quickly


Well-Known Member
Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to Europe moving backward over energy on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Pull quote from Tucker:
[talking about the President’s speech at the United Nations in Sept 2018 where he stated,] “Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course…Here in the western hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist, foreign powers.”

Pull quote from a poster:
"I'm in the UK and I can confirm that what you've just seen and heard is true. We have inflation running at about 20% and I'm expecting my annual energy bill from October to be the equivalent of about $8000, up from around $3000. We will have large numbers of people who will be living without food and/or heating - and therefore many who will die this winter, including the old and vulnerable. So we die to keep a war and net zero going."

Also see: https://cnsnews.com/article/interna...ed-when-trump-warned-against-reliance-russian


Well-Known Member
REALLY hoping enough people will take the issue to the voting booth. The elites are demanding the green agenda because it appealed to the younger (dumber) voters and it means MORE control for them...THAT is the Green Real Politik.
Meanwhile Europe, follow Jimmy Carter's advice and put on another sweater. (idiots).
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Well-Known Member
Biden started this whole stinking mess all around the world on his first day in office.
Today we could be exporting coal and oil and paying back on the debt, but instead we are pushing EV cars when California hasn't got enough electricity to run their air conditioners.

By the time we get enough infrastructure to run all electric homes and automobiles the price of that electricity will be more than fossil fuel.
Now me? I am an idiot, but I can see this. I am no prognosticator ,but we all can see this. WTF is wrong with the idiots that are going along with this mess?


Just sneakin' around....
Biden started this whole stinking mess all around the world on his first day in office.
Today we could be exporting coal and oil and paying back on the debt, but instead we are pushing EV cars when California hasn't got enough electricity to run their air conditioners.

By the time we get enough infrastructure to run all electric homes and automobiles the price of that electricity will be more than fossil fuel.
Now me? I am an idiot, but I can see this. I am no prognosticator ,but we all can see this. WTF is wrong with the idiots that are going along with this mess?
In their minds, the cost is immaterial. It's all about total elimination of fossil fuel, whatever the cost. Totally ignorant of how electricity is generated, and will be for decades yet, and how this impacts middle and lower class incomes. It won't impact their incomes, so not a big deal.

I am all-in for cleaning our air and planet, but you can't just wave a magic wand and make the change overnight. There are ways to encourage changeovers and ease into the new philosophy and technology without mandates and totally upending people's lives.


Well-Known Member
We are in much better shape than Europe, where they are going back to burning wood to heat their homes this winter, but the question is why is this happening?
The price of everything is going up and they are hiring 87,000 new IRS agents to tax us higher while inflation is killing us. It's insane.
Going through a list of what Biden and the democrats have done wrong is like making a study on what not to do when a political party becomes in charge of 2 of the branches of our Government and threatens a takeover of the third,