Turbulent waters for Bush


endangered species

"... Kissinger also made clear that he does not intend to publicly disclose a list of his business clients, according to relatives who attended the meeting."


"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mary Matalin, Vice President Dick Cheney's top public relations strategist, is leaving her job for the private sector."


"WASHINGTON - ...Capitol Hill staff and environmental groups expect Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Whitman to leave her job soon"

Pitt, Lindsay, O’Neill, Webster. Gone.
Iraq, Iran, N. Korea, anthrax, Afghanistan, Osama, economy.
Will Thomas White survive his scandal?
Will Trent Lott?
Can Elliott Abrams and John Poindexter?
Cheney fighting the GAO and lawsuits.
Powell constantly running afoul of policy.
Press getting fed up with Ari constantly lying.

Bush suddenly seems to have a LOT on his plate.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
At least Bush's people aren't mysteriously ending up dead like the Clinton's.


endangered species
Yeah, I guess we should be thankful for that. :rolleyes:

So by that criteria these guys are in great shape! I see the beginning of the re-election campaign!

Re-Elect (sic) Bush in 2004
None of my people have ended up mysteriously dead.

Of course, I don't think all that started happening until Our Former (Rhodes Scholar) President's second term, did it? Hmmm.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
At least Bush's people aren't mysteriously ending up dead like the Clinton's.


Didn't we already cover this kind of response in another thread?? I think the republicans should begin to focus on their own problems instead of harping on the past actions of the dems..

I guess it is always easier to point and laugh than to correct your own problems.


New Member
It is getting murkier for Bush...I'm thinking that by the end of next year, things are going to start looking even worse. I see the next election as being similiar to 1992 election. Bush has to continue milking 9/11 and the terrorism to death and well my party has to put someone forward who offers a clear difference on the issues. But in the end I see Bush in his overly sized cowboy hat falling on his face and the left wing will just laugh.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown

Didn't we already cover this kind of response in another thread?? I think the republicans should begin to focus on their own problems instead of harping on the past actions of the dems..

I guess it is always easier to point and laugh than to correct your own problems.

Hey Putz, I'm not a republican. Haven't you moved yet? Administrations change based on what is needed to fix OUR problems. Carville's wife, Matalin, is giving up because she wants to be with her kids. Truth is her husband is pissed that she has been wearing the pants and he has been Mr. Mom.

It's just more political noise as an administration evolves. Let's see where it goes. It might actually be for the good.


endangered species

Touched a nerve there, smalltown.

on another note: surely you have all heard by now that Kissinger has resigned the 9/11 post. Something about not wanting to disclose that he has been selling weapons to Iraq. Or maybe I heard it wrong.


endangered species
So now the question is...

Do the dems go ahead and appoint a replacement for Mitchell so that whoever it is can resign when Bush appoints his next cover up specialist? Or will Bush trump them and appoint a replacement for Kissinger right away so that the dems have to then appoint somebody with no excuses to resign, and endure the circus to come?


endangered species
I see now

that the dems have already replaced George Mitchell. Lee Hamilton. Don't know this guy.

My prediction (s) for the new head of the commission:

1. Gerald Ford
2. A Repub senator who lost in the last election.
3. Engler (Michigan)


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by demsformd
my party has to put someone forward who offers a clear difference on the issues.

Ahhh...there's the rub!

Talk about an exercise in futility!!!


It's all spin. If Bush doesn't make adjustments to his cabinet, the Dems say that he is out of touch with what's going on. If he does make changes, there are "Dark Times" for the administration. Bush can't win either way.

All Bush needs to do is tune out all the noise from the Left and do wahtever he feels is right. That's what we hired him to do. As long as he stands strong for his beliefs he'll get re-elected. If he starts to waffle, and makes bad deals with the Dems like his Dad did, he's headed back to Texas in 2004.


endangered species
Bush picks Kean.

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush named former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean to lead an independent commission's probe into the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the White House said Monday. "

Oh well. I'm no Jean Dixon.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Can I ask a stupid question? What exactly are they probing about 9-11? I thought we already knew whodunnit and why.


endangered species
They are supposed to try and figure out why we didn't stop it, and what should be done to do better in the future.

It's a lot like any disaster, or crime. Even though it may look pretty clear on the surface, you still check into it to make sure you've got it right.


endangered species
On a related note:

I found this strange:


"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An influential homeland security panel will recommend the creation of a domestic intelligence agency to collect and analyze information about terrorist threats within the United States

"The commission's chairman, former Virginia Gov. James Gilmore, said his panel is not convinced the FBI can redirect attention from prosecuting criminal cases to preventing terrorist attacks, as it has been tasked to do in response to last year's strikes on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

"Gilmore said there is a need for an intelligence "fusion center," outside any existing department or agency, that could bring together information from a number of different sources to "connect the dots" and prevent attacks.
Gilmore said that such a center -- unlike the intelligence unit of the new Department of Homeland Security -- would be able to collect intelligence as well as establish any links among the information. "

Reminds me of the old joke: Stand back! I don't know how big this thing gets!"