Turkish protesters attack US sailors in Istanbul


Lawful neutral

Turkish nationalist protesters have assaulted three US sailors in Istanbul, trying to put hoods on them and chanting "Yankees go home".

The protesters, who posted a video of the attack on an ultra-nationalist website, also threw red paint and chased the sailors down a street.

The sailors returned unharmed to their ship, the USS Ross, which was docked nearby, a US military spokesman said.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
This is the reason the buddy system is used for liberty in overseas ports. The fleet intel folks should have warned the ship that local tensions were running high. That's why liberty briefs are important. They tell you where not to go, to avoid protests, wear inconspicuous clothing. At the first sign of trouble those guys should have high tailed it into 1 of the nearby stores or gotten out of there. Instead they just stand around getting humiliated.

A well placed sucker punch would have possibly made the crowd reconsider. I bet those were CS or Supply types. Deck apes wouldn't let that happen.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There is a whole ####ing internet out there. How come these stupid ####ing people can't get their thick heads out of 1898?

"Yankees go home" Americans say that.

Why not 'Red Sox go home' or 'Washington football team' or maybe 'Kim Kardashians Ass go home'. A little originality isn't going to hurt anyone.


I bowl overhand
This is the reason the buddy system is used for liberty in overseas ports. The fleet intel folks should have warned the ship that local tensions were running high. That's why liberty briefs are important. They tell you where not to go, to avoid protests, wear inconspicuous clothing. At the first sign of trouble those guys should have high tailed it into 1 of the nearby stores or gotten out of there. Instead they just stand around getting humiliated.

A well placed sucker punch would have possibly made the crowd reconsider. I bet those were CS or Supply types. Deck apes wouldn't let that happen.

Bull####.. these sailors played it perfect. One thing about turks, you can bet at the very least every single one of them had a knife on them, if not a gun. If they started or felt they were loosing the advantage they would have gutted them and ran. They were intentionally embarrassing them, knowing they had the advantage the whole time, one single aggressive act it probably would have been oover for all three of them.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Bull####.. these sailors played it perfect.

I'd rather have seen them turn and walk away as soon as the crowd started to form and taunt them. Instead they just stood around. I hope the navy cancels any more port calls to that place. Screw all the businesses where sailors spend money when the ship is in port.


Not White House Approved
Agreed, those Sailors played smart and didn't instigate anything, if they had fought back they crowd would have jumped and we would be discussing a different story.

This kind of stuff has been going on for years, I can't remember the number of times I was called a baby killer, war criminal, etc when I was in a foreign port, got shoved around a few times but that was it. We were always out numbered and in a few cases the local police just stood there and watched, luckily it was just shoving and stopped at that.

As for Turkey, it's always been a chit hole and I hated going there, it racked right up there with Egypt and Naples, POS places we had to go visit in order to "show the flag".

Hopefully, they cancel all port visits to Turkey and change them to Greece which is a hell of a lot better place to visit then Turkey.

Hell, I'm considered a war criminal in Turkey since I was on the Saratoga when we shot one of her destroyers and killed five of her crew, including the Skipper.


mama to two
Agreed, those Sailors played smart and didn't instigate anything, if they had fought back they crowd would have jumped and we would be discussing a different story.

This kind of stuff has been going on for years, I can't remember the number of times I was called a baby killer, war criminal, etc when I was in a foreign port, got shoved around a few times but that was it. We were always out numbered and in a few cases the local police just stood there and watched, luckily it was just shoving and stopped at that.

As for Turkey, it's always been a chit hole and I hated going there, it racked right up there with Egypt and Naples, POS places we had to go visit in order to "show the flag".

Hopefully, they cancel all port visits to Turkey and change them to Greece which is a hell of a lot better place to visit then Turkey.

Hell, I'm considered a war criminal in Turkey since I was on the Saratoga when we shot one of her destroyers and killed five of her crew, including the Skipper.

Well said. Thank you for your service. Mykonos is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

I think the most terrifying moment for those sailors was the bag over the head; they probably thought they were being kidnapped for future beheadings. I am glad they kept their wits about them. The world is pretty ungrateful for the what the US has done for it.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I was fortunate to have visited over 40 countries and more than 3 dozen US states when I served. I can't remember a time when I had any trouble. I have some great memories of different places and the locals I met.

I will admit more than a few times I was embarrassed by the behavior of some shipmates. Getting plastered then stealing beer mugs and other unsavory activities.


I bowl overhand
I'd rather have seen them turn and walk away as soon as the crowd started to form and taunt them. Instead they just stood around. I hope the navy cancels any more port calls to that place. Screw all the businesses where sailors spend money when the ship is in port.

True, but any sign of fight, it would have been over.


PREMO Member
Hell, I'm considered a war criminal in Turkey since I was on the Saratoga when we shot one of her destroyers and killed five of her crew, including the Skipper.

WOW, I guess I am too.
I was there, but got to fly off before going into port for the investigation.

I will never forget that night.