Turtle from Rt. 231, Calvert County


New Member
does anyone know what kind of turtle this is? I retrieved it from heavy traffic on route 231 close to Barstow. It is huge. Close to 11 inches long. Also, do you know of a safe preserve or sanctuary where I can place it so it'll stay safe and live a long and happy life?

Thank you.
turtle 1.jpg turtle 2.jpg turtle 3.jpg


Active Member
It's hard to tell with it's head sucked in, but I believe it is a Red Earred Slider. If it has patches of red on each side of it's head where the ears would be, it's definitely a RES.


New Member
that's kinda what I think it is too just from looking at photos on the Internet. got any ideas where I can release it, where it'll be safe? :)


New Member
yeah, I know. I should take it back close to where I found it but the traffic in that area is so heavy. Aren't there any other options?


my war
yeah, I know. I should take it back close to where I found it but the traffic in that area is so heavy. Aren't there any other options?

You need to place it in the direction it was heading... Maybe 100 yards or so from the road.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Why did you pick up the turtle from the side of the road and take it away from it's habitat? (only because of the traffic?) It can't be good for it to be removed from it's habitat. I vote with the others who say to take it back where you found it. Just don't put it on the side of the road in the traffic. :yay:


New Member
ok, I will. I was just hoping to take it some place safer, like a large preserve, but I will take it back and find a spot for it. I know exactly where I got it.


my war
Why did you pick up the turtle from the side of the road and take it away from it's habitat? (only because of the traffic?) It can't be good for it to be removed from it's habitat. I vote with the others who say to take it back where you found it. Just don't put it on the side of the road in the traffic. :yay:


It is already disoriented by taking it with you. You should always just help it across the road in the direction it was going... But in this case, it is just best to take it back where you found it.


God bless the USA

It is already disoriented by taking it with you. You should always just help it across the road in the direction it was going... But in this case, it is just best to take it back where you found it.

I agree with Hank! :jet: I have stopped countless times in my area to get a turtle out of the road, and have always walked it into the weeds, or woods on the other side; hoping I wouldn't cause an accident!

Why did the turtle cross the road? So, caring people like luvscats do the right thing, but then find a dilemma. Good on ya, luvscats. There is a reptile rescue in Calvert, but I don't think this fits because it was not a pet. Don't worry. If you put the turtle back out of harm's way, you did all you can do. :smile:


Active Member
Red Eared Sliders aren't from this area. So it probably at one time, was a pet. You might want to check with Flag Ponds Nature Sanctuary, or with Cypress Swamp. There are ponds and such where the turtle would be far off the road, and safe.


God bless the USA
Red Eared Sliders aren't from this area. So it probably at one time, was a pet. You might want to check with Flag Ponds Nature Sanctuary, or with Cypress Swamp. There are ponds and such where the turtle would be far off the road, and safe.

I did bing it to see what was out there, but thought this turtle wouldn't fall under the category. You are the expert. So, here is what I found. I guess luvcats could call to see what's up or if there are other options.



New Member
I did bing it to see what was out there, but thought this turtle wouldn't fall under the category. You are the expert. So, here is what I found. I guess luvcats could call to see what's up or if there are other options.

Hi and thank you for the link. I called Battle Creek and they can't take him. He is an introduced species and grows more quickly than our native species, eats their food, etc. I called Mid-Atlantic Turtle and Terrapin and they said the same thing about him being non-native species. They have already taken in way over their limit of rescues and can't take him. The problem with putting him back in a small pond is that he will have a detrimental impact on the native turtles trying to survive there.

Another source told me of an area that has a lot less traffic and that is where I'll take him this morning.

Thanks again for helping.