

Does my butt look big?
I was doing dishes this am and was looking out the window and saw a painted turle (water) crossing the road. I went out to get him and though I would go place him in a local pond later on today. I put him in the grooming sink for now..I saw round fleshy lumps on his shell..I washed him off and they were leaches..big ones..and I flipped him over they were all over the bottom too..stuck to his shell and his leg areas....Has anyone else seen this? I de leached the poor guy and am going to send him on his way..
Pasofever said:
I was doing dishes this am and was looking out the window and saw a painted turle (water) crossing the road. I went out to get him and though I would go place him in a local pond later on today. I put him in the grooming sink for now..I saw round fleshy lumps on his shell..I washed him off and they were leaches..big ones..and I flipped him over they were all over the bottom too..stuck to his shell and his leg areas....Has anyone else seen this? I de leached the poor guy and am going to send him on his way..
Pretty common. The turtle was probably on his way to lay eggs somewhere. Best not to interfere other than helping them get across the road. She probably appreciates the deleeching though.


Does my butt look big?
desertrat said:
Pretty common. The turtle was probably on his way to lay eggs somewhere. Best not to interfere other than helping them get across the road. She probably appreciates the deleeching though.

Seems to be a juvinile painted only 5" or so......but there is NO pond really close and they drive like idiots here she was headed to my yard and thats not good with a BLIND man that cuts the grass he does not look for turtles or bunnies when he cuts and it makes me so mad :burning: I would feel better if she was in a wooded area not yards/road...thought I would take her for a horsie ride later... :lmao: into the woods...to the little pond I am thinking about..


Does my butt look big?
I made the comment riding the other day that I have not seen a baby box turtle in a long time..


Well-Known Member
I can remember dabbin' a little paint or nail polish on the shell to "remember" it, use to be so many!