TV Repair


Horse Poor
Howdy all :howdy: I have a Sanyo tv that has a great picture but keeps cutting out. It will be playing fine then cuts out like you lost cable then comes back on. Sometimes faster than other times. Any suggestions besides chucking it. Know of any places or anyone that works on them. Not Mark's Telethon either.. Hate to toss it. May just have a loose connection or relay going bad....Thanks in advance....


Well-Known Member
mingiz said:
Howdy all :howdy: I have a Sanyo tv that has a great picture but keeps cutting out. It will be playing fine then cuts out like you lost cable then comes back on. Sometimes faster than other times. Any suggestions besides chucking it. Know of any places or anyone that works on them. Not Mark's Telethon either.. Hate to toss it. May just have a loose connection or relay going bad....Thanks in advance....

PM Do-What, he's top notch :yay: He even has one of those hi-tech o-silly-scopes :nerd:



It Wasn't Me
Is it a Flat screen LCD or a tube???? Also how old is it.

Sometimes if its older its cheaper to replace than repair.