Twin girl with eight limbs to have surgery


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"Lakshmi Tatma is a two-year-old girl named after the Hindu goddess of wealth who has four arms. She was believed to have been "sent from God" when she was born to a poor rural family in the Indian state of Bihar.

Two-year-old Lakshmi Tatma plays with her
mother, Poonam, as she waits for her operation

As news of her birth spread among the 500 inhabitants of Rampur Kodar Katti — a remote settlement without electricity or running water — men, women and children queued for a darshan, or blessing, from the baby.

However, it will require the latest techniques in medical science to separate Lakshmi from her "parasitical", headless, undeveloped "twin", which is joined to her body at the pelvis."

Twin girl with eight limbs to have surgery - Telegraph


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Update 1

"Girl Born With 8 Limbs Stable After Surgery

AP) BANGALORE, India An extensive operation on a 2-year-old girl born with four arms and four legs went "wonderfully well" doctors said Wednesday as they announced that she was safe and stable after more than 24 hours of surgery.

A team of 30 doctors successfully removed the child's extra limbs, salvaged her organs, and rebuilt her pelvis area, Dr. Sharan Patil said Wednesday from a Bangalore hospital.

"Beyond our expectations, the reconstruction worked wonderfully well," Patil said." - Girl Born With 8 Limbs Stable After Surgery


Its amazing how far medical technology has come. Thats so great they were able to perform that surgery!



i wonder too though..they could almost create another little person lol.

probably autopsy them....analyzing the limbs....yeah you never know, those limbs could be used for something like that....definitely.


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Update 2

"Girl Born With 8 Limbs Conscious, Smiles

A 2-year-old Indian girl born with four arms and four legs regained consciousness Friday, wiggled her toes and smiled at her parents, 48 hours after massive surgery removed the extra limbs, doctors said.

Lakshmi, who has been revered by some in her village as a reincarnation of the four-armed Hindu goddess she was named for, was still in intensive care.

Doctors took her off a respirator later Friday but were still monitoring her closely during the critical 72-hour period following the operation. She was allowed to spend some time with her parents and seemed a bit confused by her ordeal, chief surgeon Sharan Patil said.

"Lakshmi appeared very perplexed and kept staring at her legs, wondering where the rest of her body had disappeared," he said."

Girl Born With 8 Limbs Conscious, Smiles -