Twitter Permanently Bans Journalist James O’Keefe After He Releases Videos Damaging To CNN


PREMO Member
Twitter permanently suspended conservative journalist and Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe on Thursday after he released his third installment of undercover videos exposing left-wing bias at CNN.

Twitter claimed without evidence that O’Keefe was “violating the Twitter Rules on platform manipulation and spam.”



Well-Known Member
Given their recent history with blocking the nation's oldest newspaper - the New York Post - because of the Hunter Biden story which they claimed was predicated on STOLEN material but which in fact, was not (imagine a newspaper not getting its facts straight) - their credibility ain't that great.

So it looks like they're totally making up the idea that he has created a lot of fake Twitter accounts to generate attention. He already has a million followers.

It's not hard to see - he went undercover - as actual journalists have done since forever - and found some damning information about CNN manipulating and spinning their stories for a political outcome. Which frankly, was just proof of what the whole world can see for themselves.

So for that, they're retaliating, evidently with about the only charge they can use - making fake accounts.

I hope he sues them into the ground.


Well-Known Member
Twitter isn't the only thing that is under the thumb of Democrats
The New York Times is an adjunct to the democrats.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
To end Democrats destruction of America the following need to be cleansed thoroughly.

Print Media, Electronic Media, Transmitted Media, Schools, Colleges, Universities.


PREMO Member
Is This Why Twitter Slapped Project Veritas' James O'Keefe with a Permanent Ban?

This is the end of James O’Keefe on Twitter. The Project Veritas founder was in the midst of revealing a new investigative report about the inner workings at CNN, among other things, exposing what we’ve known for years about the network. It’s a hub for Democratic Party messaging. They caught a technical director openly admitting CNN’s main goal was to boot Trump from office, and how they manipulated stories about Trump’s health and that of Biden’s to make the latter look healthier. The person admits this is total propaganda and later says they’re pulling the same media antics against Rep. Matt Gaetz(R-FL). And yes, CNN played up the COVID death toll for ratings. Again, something we all knew but now we have video evidence.

But now, Twitter has permanently banned O’Keefe. It supposedly relates to the use of fake accounts to “artificially amplify or disrupt conversations.” I think it might have more to do with Big Tech censorship. I don’t know—I’m just throwing that out there (sarc.). Yet again, we have these companies making the case for why they’re not really private companies, but public utilities that require regulation. Oh, yes—and they’re enemies of the people.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Twitter has devolved into a raging psychotic hatefest and if it weren't for the media constantly promoting them they'd have gone the way of MySpace a long time ago. Dorsey has enough money to last several lifetimes so I doubt he gives a crap if Twitter dies.

If you look at tweets that aren't from celebrities, they get almost no play. Local twitter accounts post information and stuff all the time and nobody responds with comments, RTs, or likes. So normal people aren't using Twitter. They DO use Facebook, though, so Zuck still has some skin in the game.