All Up In Your Grill
Two prostitutes were riding around town with a sign on top of their car which said: Two Prostitutes - $50.00. A policeman, seeing the sign, stopped them and told them they'd either have to remove the sign or go to jail.
Just at that time, another car passed with a sign saying: 'JESUS SAVES.' One of the girls asked the officer, 'How come you don't stop them?!' 'Well, that's a little different,' the officer smiled, 'Their sign pertains to religion.'
The following day the same police officer noticed the same two hookers driving around with a large sign on their car. He figured he had an easy arrest until he read their new sign: "Two Fallen Angels Seeking Peter --$50"
Just at that time, another car passed with a sign saying: 'JESUS SAVES.' One of the girls asked the officer, 'How come you don't stop them?!' 'Well, that's a little different,' the officer smiled, 'Their sign pertains to religion.'
The following day the same police officer noticed the same two hookers driving around with a large sign on their car. He figured he had an easy arrest until he read their new sign: "Two Fallen Angels Seeking Peter --$50"