Two Tags?

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
On my way to work I observed a Taxi Cab that had two license plates mounted, one for Maryland and the other for DC. In all my years of driving neither I nor my passenger had ever observed this so the question is, is this legal? If so, does it make sense to do so since you now double up on the usual expenditures like registration fees and insurance?


I bowl overhand
High EGT said:
On my way to work I observed a Taxi Cab that had two license plates mounted, one for Maryland and the other for DC. In all my years of driving neither I nor my passenger had ever observed this so the question is, is this legal? If so, does it make sense to do so since you now double up on the usual expenditures like registration fees and insurance?
I've seen this on other commercial vehicles, but not so much in the past 5 - 10 years. Used to see it a lot on my way across country on 18 wheelers.. Something to do with licensing and taxing I would think.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
itsbob said:
I've seen this on other commercial vehicles, but not so much in the past 5 - 10 years. Used to see it a lot on my way across country on 18 wheelers.. Something to do with licensing and taxing I would think.

Ya like double the taxes paid to DC and MD let alone the fees charged. Seems insane a business would do this but hey who am I to judge this taxi business.


New Member
High EGT said:
On my way to work I observed a Taxi Cab that had two license plates mounted, one for Maryland and the other for DC. In all my years of driving neither I nor my passenger had ever observed this so the question is, is this legal? If so, does it make sense to do so since you now double up on the usual expenditures like registration fees and insurance?

Ive seen this happen with government veh. When I ran both tags, it came back to the veh. I questioned why he had 2 tags and according to his supervisior, that veh was a special van. They also told me that when the van leave the base, they switch the plates so that no one knows its a GOV.


New Member
High EGT said:
On my way to work I observed a Taxi Cab that had two license plates mounted, one for Maryland and the other for DC. In all my years of driving neither I nor my passenger had ever observed this so the question is, is this legal? If so, does it make sense to do so since you now double up on the usual expenditures like registration fees and insurance?
In the case of taxicabs, he can drop off passengers in any locality but has to have that localities tag to pick up passengers.
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High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Charles said:
In the case of taxicabs, he can drop off passengers in any locality but has to have that localities tag to pick up passengers.

Thanks. Its hard to believe but starting to make sense now