aka Mrs. Giant
This is an interesting study and I think I'll loook into it a bit more. But the basic summary is if you are loaded up on acetaminophen, you are less likely to bothered or upset by the woes of the world. Things don't stress you out as much, you are less likely to judge others harshly and your own death doesn't bother you.
BTW, I am overloaded with prescriptions containing acetaminophen.
This study explains so much.
However, I am not a doctor and do not encourage you to increase your acetaminophen intake.
It can cause liver damage and other health problems.
Tylenol Eases Existential Anxiety : Health & Medicine : Nature World News
"We're still taken aback that we've found that a drug used primarily to alleviate headaches can also make people numb to the worry of thinking about their deaths, or to the uneasiness of watching a surrealist film," Randles said in a news release.
The study is published in the journal Psychological Science.
"For people who suffer from chronic anxiety, or are overly sensitive to uncertainty, this work may shed some light on what is happening and how their symptoms could be reduced," Randles concluded.
BTW, I am overloaded with prescriptions containing acetaminophen.

However, I am not a doctor and do not encourage you to increase your acetaminophen intake.

Tylenol Eases Existential Anxiety : Health & Medicine : Nature World News
"We're still taken aback that we've found that a drug used primarily to alleviate headaches can also make people numb to the worry of thinking about their deaths, or to the uneasiness of watching a surrealist film," Randles said in a news release.
The study is published in the journal Psychological Science.
"For people who suffer from chronic anxiety, or are overly sensitive to uncertainty, this work may shed some light on what is happening and how their symptoms could be reduced," Randles concluded.