The tyrants in Annapolis have passed the smoke free Maryland bill which makes it illegal to smoke in any restaurant, bar, and even private clubs. Takes effect in Feb. '08.
I don't smoke and I see this as an outrageous overstepping of government power. Can anyone show me where in the Maryland Constitution the state government is given the authority to do this? Frankly, I haven't looked, so I am asking out of ignorance. But I doubt that it is there and if something is there it is being stretched to the limits to apply.
The Democrats, liberals, and progressives need to be called what the truly are, tyrants.
I don't smoke and I see this as an outrageous overstepping of government power. Can anyone show me where in the Maryland Constitution the state government is given the authority to do this? Frankly, I haven't looked, so I am asking out of ignorance. But I doubt that it is there and if something is there it is being stretched to the limits to apply.
The Democrats, liberals, and progressives need to be called what the truly are, tyrants.