Tyrants in Maryland do it again


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The tyrants in Annapolis have passed the smoke free Maryland bill which makes it illegal to smoke in any restaurant, bar, and even private clubs. Takes effect in Feb. '08.

I don't smoke and I see this as an outrageous overstepping of government power. Can anyone show me where in the Maryland Constitution the state government is given the authority to do this? Frankly, I haven't looked, so I am asking out of ignorance. But I doubt that it is there and if something is there it is being stretched to the limits to apply.

The Democrats, liberals, and progressives need to be called what the truly are, tyrants.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's a public safety argument...

2ndAmendment said:
The tyrants in Annapolis have passed the smoke free Maryland bill which makes it illegal to smoke in any restaurant, bar, and even private clubs. Takes effect in Feb. '08.

I don't smoke and I see this as an outrageous overstepping of government power. Can anyone show me where in the Maryland Constitution the state government is given the authority to do this? Frankly, I haven't looked, so I am asking out of ignorance. But I doubt that it is there and if something is there it is being stretched to the limits to apply.

The Democrats, liberals, and progressives need to be called what the truly are, tyrants.

...same as regulating food quality, traffic laws and weapons.

That doesn't mean the arguments are valid or sensible, but, that is the basis.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...same as regulating food quality, traffic laws and weapons.

That doesn't mean the arguments are valid or sensible, but, that is the basis.
Article and paragraph?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Article and paragraph?
Article I, section 8.3

Isn't that the section that covers everything, including what time you eat, sleep and what you think?
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2ndAmendment said:
The tyrants in Annapolis have passed the smoke free Maryland bill which makes it illegal to smoke in any restaurant, bar, and even private clubs. Takes effect in Feb. '08.

I don't smoke and I see this as an outrageous overstepping of government power. Can anyone show me where in the Maryland Constitution the state government is given the authority to do this? Frankly, I haven't looked, so I am asking out of ignorance. But I doubt that it is there and if something is there it is being stretched to the limits to apply.

The Democrats, liberals, and progressives need to be called what the truly are, tyrants.

You smoke?
You drink?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Kyle said:
Article I, section 8.3

Isn't that the section that covers everything, including what time you eat, sleep and what you think?
Articale 1 SEC. 8. The General Assembly, shall make provisions for all cases of contested elections of any of the officers, not herein provided for (transferred from Article III, sec. 47, by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7, 1978).


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, I have no idea...

2ndAmendment said:
Article and paragraph?

...but that's the standard argument. We're not gonna find particular language that says the state has a right to make you wear a seatbelt either.


Come Play at BigWoodys
As an now ex smoker I kinda agree with and don't agree with the law. I could never eat in the smoking part of a restaurant (the smell does nothing for my appetite). As for the bar thats a toss up. I loved to smoke with a beer or a drink they just go together. But with all the smoke in a bar I don't go all that much because I would wind up with a huge headache from all the second hand smoke which cannot be good for bartenders so I can kinda understand.

On a side note for all. Please please for the love of god never smoke in the house. It is soo bad for the house and if you have children even worse. As a teenager before I started smoking my parents smoked. My clothes always smelled horrible to the point that I lined my closets with cedar to keep the smoke smell out as much as possible. Seeing my parents house's from years of being smoked in made sure that even when I started smoking that I NEVER smoked in the house.

Sorry for the sidetrack rant LOL.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FastCarsSpeed said:
all the second hand smoke which cannot be good for bartenders
This is similar to a person who's allergic to peanuts working for Planter's. IF you don't like smoke, don't work in a bar that allows it. There are many restaurants that don't allow smoking - the sensitive bartender can work there instead.

Laws like this are disturbing because it's just one more personal freedom (the right to allow a legal activity in your privately-owned business) that the government wants to take away. Can they next tell you what kind of food you can and cannot serve?

(Oops, forgot - they already do in NYC)

Red meat is bad for you. Are steak houses next on the chopping block?
Maryland wanted Democrats to take charge in Maryland, and now they have them. Stop crying its just begun.

Restrictive laws, Higher taxes, do away with the death penalty.
We had a good Governor. he was sent back to the farm. Enjoy Martin O'Malley and his power behind the throne Mike Miller. Wait till that new 12 cent gasoline tax hits you commuters.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FastCarsSpeed said:
Please please for the love of god never smoke in the house. It is soo bad for the house and if you have children even worse.
That's not your business.

But this will be next, mark my words. If the government can tell you what you can and cannot do in your privately-owned business, they can certainly regulate what you do in your own home.


vraiblonde said:
This is similar to a person who's allergic to peanuts working for Planter's. IF you don't like smoke, don't work in a bar that allows it. There are many restaurants that don't allow smoking - the sensitive bartender can work there instead.

Laws like this are disturbing because it's just one more personal freedom (the right to allow a legal activity in your privately-owned business) that the government wants to take away. Can they next tell you what kind of food you can and cannot serve?

(Oops, forgot - they already do in NYC)

Red meat is bad for you. Are steak houses next on the chopping block?
This is the part I just don't get about this argument: "If you don't like my smoking, go somewhere else." Well, Vrai... I like to chew my Skoal and spit it on the floor wherever I please. It should be my right to do so. So next time I see you at a restaurant I will be spitting my chew on the floor next to you and your family. If I happen to hit your leg, oh well, your smoke is hitting my lungs. Sounds fair doesn’t it?

I don’t want this sort of thing legislated, but I would just for once like to see you smokers have some sort of common courtesy towards non-smokers instead of taking your “I own the place because I smoke” mentality toward everything. I am in complete support of, and encourage owners of businesses to ban smoking. I'm fed up with having my meal ruined by it. Yeah, yeah, I know... if you don't like it eat somewhere else. :rolleyes:


Super Genius
PsyOps said:
This is the part I just don't get about this argument: "If you don't like my smoking, go somewhere else." Well, Vrai... I like to chew my Skoal and spit it on the floor wherever I please. It should be my right to do so. So next time I see you at a restaurant I will be spitting my chew on the floor next to you and your family. If I happen to hit your leg, oh well, your smoke is hitting my lungs. Sounds fair doesn’t it?
If the owner of the restaurant allows it, go for it :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
Well, Vrai... I like to chew my Skoal and spit it on the floor wherever I please. It should be my right to do so. So next time I see you at a restaurant I will be spitting my chew on the floor next to you and your family. If I happen to hit your leg, oh well, your smoke is hitting my lungs. Sounds fair doesn’t it?
What if I owned a bar that catered specifically to the chaw crowd, and I say they can spit wherever they like? Don't I have that right, just as someone who doesn't like Skoal spit on the floors have a right to not patronize my establishment?

What if I own a bar that caters to gays and encourages their patronage? Should fundamentalist Christians be able to get legal with me because they want to come in my bar and not be offended by gays? How about if some fundie comes in wanting employment as a bartender, but doesn't want to be subjected to homosexuals?

What if I own a Christian coffee house and the entertainment is guest ministers? If an atheist wants to come in my coffee shop and not be offended by religious services, would I have to cater to them?

At what point does the government not have any jurisdiction over my privately owned business? And at what point do your rights interfere with *my* rights as a business owner?


vraiblonde said:
What if I owned a bar that catered specifically to the chaw crowd, and I say they can spit wherever they like? Don't I have that right, just as someone who doesn't like Skoal spit on the floors have a right to not patronize my establishment?

What if I own a bar that caters to gays and encourages their patronage? Should fundamentalist Christians be able to get legal with me because they want to come in my bar and not be offended by gays? How about if some fundie comes in wanting employment as a bartender, but doesn't want to be subjected to homosexuals?

What if I own a Christian coffee house and the entertainment is guest ministers? If an atheist wants to come in my coffee shop and not be offended by religious services, would I have to cater to them?

At what point does the government not have any jurisdiction over my privately owned business? And at what point do your rights interfere with *my* rights as a business owner?

:clap: And don't forget restaurants for spitballn' for those less civilized. :lol:


"Fluffy world destroyer"
vraiblonde said:
That's not your business.

But this will be next, mark my words. If the government can tell you what you can and cannot do in your privately-owned business, they can certainly regulate what you do in your own home.
It's the beginning of total control.

Where's my gun?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So if we can legislate what business owners can and cannot allow in their business, can we do the same with peoples' homes?

If I have an electrician come in to fix something, and he doesn't like cigarette smoke, can he sue me and demand that I do not smoke in my own home? How about the Molly Maids?

Can a neighbor prevent me from smoking in my house because they might want to come visit, or send their kids over to play with my kids?

What if the plumber is allergic to my cats? Can he get the government to force me to get rid of them?

What's the difference between hiring a Molly Maid for your home, and hiring a waiter/waitress for your business?

Where does this end?