

Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
U.S. Social Security May Reach To Mexico

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 19, 2002; Page A01

Pushed by the Mexican government, the Bush administration is working on a Social Security accord that would put tens of thousands of Mexicans onto the Social Security roster and send hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits south of the border.


*Fixed the link*

This is just what we need another slew of names added to the SS system. I say stop charging the SS tax to foreigners and give the others their money back. Let Mexico pay their social security then.
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May I request that the payments be made in a low yield way?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Gimme a break

I read that yesterday. I laughed at the part where they want to be compensated for working illegally and using a fake (but someone else's) social security number. Since when do we reward criminal acts?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fox should be shot for enslaving his country to the US. In 20 years we're going to have all these Mexican citizens on the SS payroll, which will cripple an already failing system. If in fact there IS any SS at that time.

Here's how this works, kids:

Some crappy country comes begging to the US. The US gives it money, food, weapons, military support, whatever to try and make a friend. In exchange, the US usually gets rights to operate in some form in that country. Then the resistance groups pop up and say, "US GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!" The US says, "Tough - a deal's a deal." Then the terrorist groups start bombing our embassies and our military installations. Then American liberals crop up and say, "Well, these people wouldn't hate us so much if we wouldn't impose our will on them." Then the US President is between a rock and a hard place.

No good can come of this.


I don't have a major problem with this. I think it would make things allot simpler if they simply didn't make legal Mexican workers pay the social security tax. Then this would not be an issue. But if the US government is going to make them pay the tax, the government should return the investment. As for people who worked here illegally, that time should not count for anything, let alone social security benefits.


Originally posted by jetmonkey
Investment? That money isn't invested, what are you smoking?

An investment is an outlay of money usually for income or profit. The social security tax is and outlay of money. And if you live long enough, you can easily get more back then you put in, which is a profit. Seems to meet the definition of investment to me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Old Age Supplemental Disability Insurance

So, look at your 15% of your gross pay you lose, err, pay every year for your "insurance" policy and just wonder at it all...

Yes, it is 15%.