U.N. chief urges tax on 'grotesque greed' of oil, gas companies


PREMO Member
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday slammed the "grotesque greed" of oil and gas companies and their financial backers and urged governments globally to "tax these excessive profits" to support the most vulnerable people.



Just sneakin' around....
And “nothing will be more popular than to tax the excessive profits … and to distribute that money to the most vulnerable families,” he said.
Really? Popular?
Another free handout that impedes people from seeking real work? Maybe a work/reward program instead of handouts?

I do agree that the profits are huge, but it was kind of expected. A huge business is told that they are going to be terminated because they are not 'green' and it will happen soon. The reaction? Get the money while the gettin's good. It will be gone soon if greenies have their way.