U.S. Air Crew Shot Down over Japan Were Dissected Alive

The horrors our citizens faced in the name of war...

"The flyers were subjected to horrific medical experiments. Doctors dissected one soldier’s brain to see if epilepsy could be controlled by surgery, and removed parts of the livers of other prisoners as part of tests to see if they would survive. Another soldier was injected with seawater, in an experiment to see if it could be used instead of sterile saline solution to help dehydration."

"... one of the U.S. flyers had been stabbed by locals after his plane had crashed, and presumed he was going to be treated for the wound when he was taken to the operating theatre for live dissection instead."

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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Read the book "Unbroken". The detail of the brutality and suffering imposed on captives is sickening. The movie only touches on the continual brutality beaten into the Jap soldiers themselves by their superiors, which naturally carried over to brutalizing any prisoner they came upon. The Jap mindset was prisoners did not deserve to live at all.

Being captured by the Germans would have been considered luxurious compared to those captured by the nips.
Read the book "Unbroken". The detail of the brutality and suffering imposed on captives is sickening. The movie only touches on the continual brutality beaten into the Jap soldiers themselves by their superiors, which naturally carried over to brutalizing any prisoner they came upon. The Jap mindset was prisoners did not deserve to live at all.

Being captured by the Germans would have been considered luxurious compared to those captured by the nips.

Yep saw the movie. Dad was in Stalag Luft1 and said the German Drs probably saved his life. He was shot up pretty badly. Seems like an Asian thing. Viet Nam, China.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Yep saw the movie. Dad was in Stalag Luft1 and said the German Drs probably saved his life. He was shot up pretty badly. Seems like an Asian thing. Viet Nam, China.

Download the book on your kindle or buy a copy. It will greatly increase your feelings of revulsion toward the Jap, and probably Asian in general, treatment of prisoners. The movie only touches part of it.

Glad your dad made it back, and outside of Hitler and his group of sadists, the typical German soldier or officer was probably no different than ours.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
the typical German soldier or officer was probably no different than ours.


In the week leading up to the holiday, German and British soldiers crossed trenches to exchange seasonal greetings and talk. In areas, men from both sides ventured into no man's land on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to mingle and exchange food and souvenirs. There were joint burial ceremonies and prisoner swaps, while several meetings ended in carol-singing. Men played games of football with one another, giving one of the most enduring images of the truce.

The truces were not unique to the Christmas period, and reflected a growing mood of "live and let live", where infantry in close proximity would stop overtly aggressive behaviour, and often engage in small-scale fraternisation, engaging in conversation or bartering for cigarettes.

The Germans placed candles on their trenches and on Christmas trees, then continued the celebration by singing Christmas carols. The British responded by singing carols of their own. The two sides continued by shouting Christmas greetings to each other. Soon thereafter, there were excursions across No Man's Land, where small gifts were exchanged, such as food, tobacco and alcohol, and souvenirs such as buttons and hats.