The horrors our citizens faced in the name of war...
"The flyers were subjected to horrific medical experiments. Doctors dissected one soldier’s brain to see if epilepsy could be controlled by surgery, and removed parts of the livers of other prisoners as part of tests to see if they would survive. Another soldier was injected with seawater, in an experiment to see if it could be used instead of sterile saline solution to help dehydration."
"... one of the U.S. flyers had been stabbed by locals after his plane had crashed, and presumed he was going to be treated for the wound when he was taken to the operating theatre for live dissection instead."
"The flyers were subjected to horrific medical experiments. Doctors dissected one soldier’s brain to see if epilepsy could be controlled by surgery, and removed parts of the livers of other prisoners as part of tests to see if they would survive. Another soldier was injected with seawater, in an experiment to see if it could be used instead of sterile saline solution to help dehydration."
"... one of the U.S. flyers had been stabbed by locals after his plane had crashed, and presumed he was going to be treated for the wound when he was taken to the operating theatre for live dissection instead."
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