U.S. Capitol evacuated, citing ‘probable threat’ from aircraft


Active Member
the Nats are having a military night at Nats Park, military will be parachuting into the stadium. The question is, why didn't the police know about this in advance.


Well-Known Member
The people said the aircraft did not report taking off and did not have appropriate clearance.
Oh yeah..a plane left Andrews without appropriate clearance...:lol:


Well-Known Member
I send them in large amounts...


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Pelosi blasts FAA over US Capitol evacuation: ‘outrageous and inexcusable’​

An email alert gave guidance on where individuals in several locations should move​

FAA will produce the paper of notification to the Capitol Police but they will still not acknowledge they got it. Another black eye for that bunch.


Well-Known Member
Let's see if I have this right.
The Capitol Police have radar at the Capitol and they spotted this plane in the air coming to the ball field.
They ordered the Capitol evacuated.

By the time this plane was spotted and determined to be a threat, isn't it a little late to start an evacuation?
I mean even a slow plane that enters the hallowed restricted area of Washington DC is only seconds away from the Capitol. How many people can evacuate in seconds.?


Well-Known Member
Nobody on the hill had a pair of binoculars to look at the airplane flying about a mile and a half to the south? It black, yellow, and white with Golden Knights scrawled down its side. It's not like it has never been there before. Was it wearing a red hat?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Nobody on the hill had a pair of binoculars to look at the airplane flying about a mile and a half to the south? It black, yellow, and white with Golden Knights scrawled down its side. It's not like it has never been there before. Was it wearing a red hat?

It was a "military grade" ghost-plane like the bad guys use in all the movies.