U.S. flags waived in vain at Obama's convention


New Member
Please explain to me, why, oh why, were there soooo many United States flags being waved at Obama's convention when he won't even pledge his allegiance to our flag or our country? I'm confused!


Please explain to me, why, oh why, were there soooo many United States flags being waved at Obama's convention when he won't even pledge his allegiance to our flag or our country? I'm confused!

:yahoo:.great point.


Bookseller Lady
Please explain to me, why, oh why, were there soooo many United States flags being waved at Obama's convention when he won't even pledge his allegiance to our flag or our country? I'm confused!

You are confused because you've been getting your election info from long discredited spam emails.

Browse their sections about both candidates: Urban Legends Reference Pages


Obama destroyed America
Please explain to me, why, oh why, were there soooo many United States flags being waved at Obama's convention when he won't even pledge his allegiance to our flag or our country? I'm confused!
Because democrats are goofy. They're funny too.

I climbed into bed & turned on the TV and Al Bore was giving his speech. I almost rolled out of bed laughing at this load when he said the polar caps could be gone during the first term of the new president. :killingme

You funny democrats!! So silly, so confused.


New Member
What's this?


  • Obama_not_pledging.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 58


Obama destroyed America
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New Member
What's this?

a boring topic that's been done to death.

(It's well known that he usually displays proper flag etiquette. No one knows why he didn't in that picture .... perhaps his mind was elsewhere ....

either way, who even cares?

It's a free country last time I checked.



oh look, here he is with a lapel pin


big effing deal.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

Please explain to me, why, oh why, were there soooo many United States flags being waved at Obama's convention when he won't even pledge his allegiance to our flag or our country? I'm confused!

...they're a bunch of jingoistic, hyper nationalistic, uberpatriotic hate mongers who only care about America and nothing and no one else.

Isn't that obvious?


New Member
I care! As we all should! That flag represents our freedom to do what we please so why should we disrespect it. And those that don't care probably don't care to vote either.


New Member
I care! As we all should! That flag represents our freedom to do what we please so why should we disrespect it. And those that don't care probably don't care to vote either.

"That flag represents our freedom to do what we please"

That flag represents our freedom to do what we please

That flag represents our freedom to do what we please

That flag represents our freedom to do what we please

That flag represents our freedom to do what we please

what 'we' please. not what 'you' think we should all have to do.


Obama destroyed America
Are you sure that was the National Anthem that was being sung?....Sounded like crap to me....
Sounded worse than crap.

Looks like ole Snopes got their ass handed to them by true Americans. They used to say that was false. Hard to dispute VIDEO huh Snopes?!?!?

The stupid dummycrats have a hard time admitting they have an America hating, racist as a nominee huh Xaquin?? :killingme


New Member
All I'm saying is don't disrespect it. Is it asking too much for the next possible president of the United States of America to pledge his allegiance to that very country he wants to run? That's the problem with so many people, they just don't care. If you don't like our country, the flag, what it represents, leave, nobody's holding you back!


New Member
All I'm saying is don't disrespect it. Is it asking too much for the next possible president of the United States of America to pledge his allegiance to that very country he wants to run? That's the problem with so many people, they just don't care. If you don't like our country, the flag, what it represents, leave, nobody's holding you back!

I'd say it a pretty big stretch saying that not saluting the flag means you don't like our country or what it represents.

Also, I showed 2 pictures of Obama saluting the flag and one of him with his super trendy when in politics flag lapel pin.

there. happy now?

no more tears.

edit: p.s. I think it's a good thing that our country allows the freedom to salute or not salute the flag.

What's more important? The symbol of freedom, or actually having it?


Obama destroyed America
I'd say it a pretty big stretch saying that not saluting the flag means you don't like our country or what it represents.

Also, I showed 2 pictures of Obama saluting the flag and one of him with his super trendy when in politics flag lapel pin.

there. happy now?

no more tears.

edit: p.s. I think it's a good thing that our country allows the freedom to salute or not salute the flag.

What's more important? The symbol of freedom, or actually having it?
It's not a stretch at all with his public history. Him and his C of a wife hate this country and his wonderful "ex" church and pastor prove it!!


New Member
I say, salute it or leave! We do have the symbol of freedom and also have freedom at a great cost. The least we could do is salute it. Makes me sick when someone doesn't do it for any reason, be it that they are either too lazy, don't care, have an attitude, have a choice __________ (fill in the blank). I'll bet if you lost your freedom you would pray for the day you had a flag that you could salute. So why doesn't everyone that treasures their freedom get off their rears and salute our great flag? It's not difficult. "Because I have a choice" is just stupid!