U.S. Official Charged With Espionage..............


Ubi bene ibi patria
U.S. Official Charged With Espionage, Won't Return To Bolivia

"Government officials in Bolivia have filed espionage charges against a U.S. official who instructed Peace Corps volunteers and a Fulbright scholar to provide information on Cubans and Venezuelans living in Bolivia, marking the first time in history that the Bolivian government has charged a U.S. embassy official with a criminal offense -- let alone for one as serious espionage.

Officials from the two countries met for hours yesterday in La Paz in an attempt to quell the growing tension and called a truce last night. Both sides declared their intentions to better relations and made clear that the official in question -- Assistant Regional Security Advisor Vincent Cooper -- would not return to Bolivia."

ABC News: U.S. Official Charged With Espionage, Won't Return To Bolivia