U.S. Senator Zell Miller on 911


Sharing an e-mail I received:

This speech was delivered on the floor of the Senate March 30, 2004.

U.S. Senator Zell Miller
Floor Statement: 'A House Divided Cannot Stand'
Remarks as Delivered on the Senate Floor

After watching the harsh acrimony generated by the September 11 Commission -
which, let me say at the outset, is made up of good and able members - I've
come to seriously question this panel's usefulness.

I believe it will ultimately play a role in doing great harm to this
country, for its unintended consequences, I fear, will be to energize our
enemies and demoralize our troops.

After being drowned in a tidal wave of all who didn't do enough before 9/11,
I have come to believe that the Commission should issue a report that says:
"No one did enough in the past. No one did near enough."

Then thank everyone for serving, send them home and let's get on with the
job of protecting this country in the future.

Tragically, these hearings have proved to be a very divisive diversion for
this country. Tragically, they have devoured valuable time, looking
backwards when we should be looking forward.

Can you imagine handling the attack on Pearl Harbor this way? Can you
imagine Congress, the media and the public standing for this kind of
political gamesmanship and finger pointing after that "day of infamy" in

Some partisans tried that ploy, but they were soon quieted by the patriots
who understood how important it was to get on with the war and take the
battle to America's enemies, and not dwell on what FDR knew when.

You see, back then the highest priority was to win a war, not win an
election. That's what made them "The Greatest Generation."

I realize that many well-meaning Americans see the hearings as "democracy in
action." Years ago, when I was teaching political science, I probably would
have had my class watching it live on television and using that very phrase
with them.

There are also the not-so-well-meaning political operatives who see these
hearings as an opportunity to "score cheap points."

Then, there are the Media Meddlers who see this as "great theater" that can
be played out on the evening news and on endless talk shows for a week or

Congressional hearings have long been one of Washington's most entertaining
pastimes. Joe McCarthy Watergate. Iran Contra. They all kept us glued to
the TV, and made for conversation around the water coolers and arguments
over a beer at the corner pub.

A Congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. is the ultimate aphrodisiac for
political groupies and partisan punks.

But, it's not the groupies, punks and television-sotted American public that
I'm worried about. This latter crowd can get excited and divided over just
about anything. Whether it's some off-key wanna-be dreaming of being the
American Idol, or what brainless bimbo The Bachelor or Average Joe will
choose or who will Donald Trump fire next week.

No, it is the real enemies of America that I'm concerned about.

These evil killers who right now, right now are gleefully watching the
shrill partisan finger pointing of these hearings and grinning like a mule
eating briars.

They see this as a major split within the Great Satan America. They see
anger, they see division, instability, bickering, peevishness and

They see the President of the United States hammered unmercifully. They see
all this and they are greatly, greatly encouraged.

We should not be doing anything to encourage our enemies in this battle
between good and evil. Yet, these hearings, in my opinion, are doing just

We are playing with fire. We're playing directly into the hands of our enemy
by allowing these hearings to become the great divider they have become.

Dick Clarke's book and its release coinciding with these hearings have done
this country a tremendous disservice, and someday we will reap its

Long ago, Sir Walter Scott observed that revenge is "the sweetest morsel
that ever was cooked in hell."

The vindictive Clarke has now had his revenge, but what kind of hell has he,
his CBS publisher and his axe-to-grind advocates unleashed?

These hearings, coming on the heels of the election the terrorists
influenced in Spain, bolster and energize our evil enemies as they have not
been energized since 9/11.

Chances are very good that these evil enemies of America will attempt to
influence our 2004 election in a similar dramatic way as they did Spain's.
And to think that could never be in this country is to stick your head in
the sand.

That is why the sooner we stop this endless bickering over the past and join
together to prepare for the future, the better off this country will be.
There are some things - whether this city believes it or not - that are just
more important than political campaigns.

The recent past is so ripe for political second-guessing "gotcha" and Monday
morning quarter-backing And it is so tempting in an election year. We
should not allow ourselves to indulge that temptation. We should put our
country first.

Every administration from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush bears some of the
blame. Dick Clarke bears a big heap of it because it was he who was in the
catbird's seat to do something about it for more than a decade. Tragically,
it was the decade in which we did the least.

We did nothing after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in 1993,
killing six and injuring more than 1,000 Americans.

We did nothing in 1996 when sixteen U.S. servicemen were killed in the
bombing of the Khobar Towers.

When our embassies were attacked in 1998, killing 263 people, our only
response was to fire a few missiles on an empty tent.

Is it any wonder? Is it any wonder that after that decade of weak-willed
responses to that murderous terror, our enemies thought we would never fight

In the 1990's is when Dick Clarke should have resigned. In the 1990's is
when he should have apologized. That is when he should have written his
book. That is, if he really had America's best interest at heart.

Some will say, "We owe it to the families" to get more information about
what happened in the past and I can understand that. But no amount of
finger-pointing will bring our victims back.

So, now we owe it to future families and all of America now in jeopardy not
to encourage more terrorists, resulting in even more grieving families,
perhaps many more over the ones of 9/11.

It's obvious to me that this country is rapidly dividing itself into two
camps: the wimps and the warriors.

The ones who want to argue and assess and appease, and the ones who want to
carry this fight to our enemies and kill them before they kill us. And,
in case you haven't figured it out, I proudly belong to the latter.

This is a time like no other in the history of this country, and this
country is being crippled with petty partisan politics of the worst possible
kind. In time of war, it is not just unpatriotic; it is stupid, and it is

So, I pray that all this time, all this energy, all this talk and all this
attention could be focused on the future instead of the past.

I pray we would stop pointing fingers, assigning blame and wringing our
hands about what happened on that day David McCullogh has called "the worst
day in our history" more than two years ago

And instead, pour all of our energy into how we can kill these terrorists
before they kill us - again.

For make no mistake about it. They watch these hearings. They are scheming
and smiling about the distraction and the divisiveness they see in America.
And while they may not know who said it years ago in America, they know
instinctively that a house divided cannot stand.

There is one other group that we should remember is listening to all of
this - our troops.
I was in Iraq in January and one day when I was meeting with the 1st Armored
Division, a unit with a proud history known as Old Ironsides, we were
discussing troop morale, and the Commanding General said it was top notch.

And I turned to the Division's Sergeant Major, the top enlisted man in the
division, a big, burly, 6-foot-3, 240 pound African American and I said,
"That's good, but how do you sustain that kind of morale?"

Without hesitation he narrowed his eyes, and he looked at me and said "The
morale will stay high just as long as these troops know the people back home
support us."

Just as long as the people back home support us. What kind of message are
these hearings and the outrageously political speeches on the floor of the
Senate yesterday sending to those marvelous young Americans in the uniform
of our country?

I say Unite America! Before it is too late! Put aside these petty partisan
differences when it comes to the protection of our people.

Argue and argue and argue and debate and debate and debate over all the
other things - jobs and education and the deficit and the environment - but please, please do not use the lives of Americans and the security of this country as a cheap-shot political talking point.
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Originally posted by sleuth14
And he's a democrat.
Will wonders ever cease?
Hooray for him for speaking up against his party lines when he sees something unethical happening.
The democrats don't like him much because he uses common sense and not party affiliation when he votes on issues. He was a good Governor too.


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by sleuth14
And he's a democrat.
Will wonders ever cease?
Hooray for him for speaking up against his party lines when he sees something unethical happening.

Zell Miller is far from the usual Democrat. He is often on Republican sides. Probably because he is a Georgia Dem.


Super Genius
Zell is the only politician that I truly admire. His book "A National Party No More" was great.

He explains his Democrat affiliation in the book...basically, he was born a Democrat and he's not going to change just because the party changed around him.