U.S. Tech Giants Doing Their Dress Rehearsal In China?


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
One can only wonder at the hypocrisy: claiming to be proponents of privacy on one hand, but supporting China's drive to becoming a 100% surveillance state on the other.

A dress rehearsal for these companies' plans here in the U.S.? Or our government's, at some point down the road?

The opening three paragraphs:
AN AMERICAN ORGANIZATION founded by tech giants Google and IBM is working with a company that is helping China’s authoritarian government conduct mass surveillance against its citizens, The Intercept can reveal.

The OpenPower Foundation — a nonprofit led by Google and IBM executives with the aim of trying to “drive innovation” — has set up a collaboration between IBM, Chinese company Semptian, and U.S. chip manufacturer Xilinx. Together, they have worked to advance a breed of microprocessors that enable computers to analyze vast amounts of data more efficiently.

Shenzhen-based Semptian is using the devices to enhance the capabilities of internet surveillance and censorship technology it provides to human rights-abusing security agencies in China, according to sources and documents. A company employee said that its technology is being used to covertly monitor the internet activity of 200 million people.

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