Super Genius
Ubuntu For Android To Be Announced At This Year’s Mobile World Congress – Droid Life
This could be a game changer...
Let it be known, that this will not be just an Ubuntu app running on the Android OS though. This will be Ubuntu and Android, running alongside one another, on the same kernel. Unified.
While not attached to a dock, the Android device will function like any other Android smartphone. But when connected to a dock/monitor/peripheral device, users will be greeted by the Ubuntu desktop UI which many fans are familiar with. The reasoning behind this idea, is that people can consolidate all of their data. They can have all of the info they need in just one single device instead of having files and contacts scattered among multiple smartphones, tablets and laptops. To have a single device, for a single person with all of the functionality they need to get their work done.
This could be a game changer...