

"The culture of corruption is so pervasive in the Republican conference that a single person stepping down is not nearly enough to clean up the Republican Congress," said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader.


Well-Known Member
Pelosi is one of the worst things to ever happen to our political system. She exceeds everyone in divisiveness. She never has a solution but always a criticism. Most of the Dem leaders are obvious clowns to most voters but I'm afraid that Pelosi's hatred does affect many ignorant voters.


She's merely the voice of the people she represents, and those folks are as far left as you can get.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
She's merely the voice of the people she represents, and those folks are as far left as you can get.
Nothing a good earthquake couldn't take care of. :biggrin:


In My Opinion
When speaking of politics in the Amercian arena, one must always remember that anything that comes out of California is wrong.

California politics serve Mexico more than the United States and should be discounted accordingly.


Lem Putt
bcp said:
When speaking of politics in the Amercian arena, one must always remember that anything that comes out of California is wrong.

California politics serve Mexico more than the United States and should be discounted accordingly.

Actually, it's very similar to Maryland. The state of Maryland votes conservative, except P.G. and Baltimore. Guess what we usually end up with.

Same thing for CA. You only hear from the large cities who are entitlement based lefties. Get out of town and you find reasonable people.

Just as we shouldn't blame all of Maryland for P.G. and Balto., it's unfair to blame CA for the bay area and L.A.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Actually, it's very similar to Maryland. The state of Maryland votes conservative, except P.G. and Baltimore. Guess what we usually end up with.

Same thing for CA. You only hear from the large cities who are entitlement based lefties. Get out of town and you find reasonable people.

Just as we shouldn't blame all of Maryland for P.G. and Balto., it's unfair to blame CA for the bay area and L.A.
The fault lines would leave most of the conservative parts of California intact. Can't say that for Maryland. "Sum of All Fears"?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There's a part of me that wonders if guilt lies along the depth of the money trail.

You know, the claim that says "they're all crooks, but the crooks with the BIGGER pile of cash are the *worst* crooks".

I look at it this way, and it bears some pondering even if you don't agree.

Who's the worst crook, the one you paid a lot for, or the one that would do it cheap - or for free?

To me, corruption is still corruption - it's not the amount of money, it's the amount of influence it bought. If I kill someone for a penny, it is a bigger crime than someone who failed to kill someone for a million.


staring into the abyss
Despite everyones Lex-Luthor inspired ideas about Arizona oceanfront property, California is not destined to wind up under the Pacivic. A massive earthquake on the San Andreas fault line would cause the parts West of the fault line to move north in respect to the bits east of the fault. The pacific plate is moving slowly northward, grinding against the NAmerican plate. The net result might mean more of Washington State moving into Canada, I suppose, but nothing is going to wind up underwater.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
tirdun said:
Despite everyones Lex-Luthor inspired ideas about Arizona oceanfront property, California is not destined to wind up under the Pacivic. A massive earthquake on the San Andreas fault line would cause the parts West of the fault line to move north in respect to the bits east of the fault. The pacific plate is moving slowly northward, grinding against the NAmerican plate. The net result might mean more of Washington State moving into Canada, I suppose, but nothing is going to wind up underwater.
I was thinking eastern California waterfront. It is nice to dream.

You are probably right. The Pacific plate moves about 2 inches per year, but a catastrophic shear could cause a large portion of the Pacific plate to slip under the North American plate. That could certainly cause portions of California to become islands.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
tirdun said:
Despite everyones Lex-Luthor inspired ideas about Arizona oceanfront property, California is not destined to wind up under the Pacivic. A massive earthquake on the San Andreas fault line would cause the parts West of the fault line to move north in respect to the bits east of the fault. The pacific plate is moving slowly northward, grinding against the NAmerican plate. The net result might mean more of Washington State moving into Canada, I suppose, but nothing is going to wind up underwater.
I'm amazed that there ARE people who think that some massive cataclysm awakes California, to dump it into the Pacific a la Atlantis.

Nope. The best we can hope for is that enough of LA will end up in SF's yard (as the plates move) so that all the libs are in one place. Of course, this will take about a million years.

The plates are sliding - slowly. There's no falling into the ocean. Never gonna happen.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I'm amazed that there ARE people who think that some massive cataclysm awakes California, to dump it into the Pacific a la Atlantis.

Nope. The best we can hope for is that enough of LA will end up in SF's yard (as the plates move) so that all the libs are in one place. Of course, this will take about a million years.

The plates are sliding - slowly. There's no falling into the ocean. Never gonna happen.
Maybe in California, but elsewhere the movement is different.
[font=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]For about 35 million years, tectonic plates have been converging along the present-day Oregon Coast causing the seafloor to sink. The ocean-floor is a small, dense plate named the Juan de Fuca Plate. The Juan de Fuca Plate is being pushed under the more buoyant continental North American plate, causing the continent to buckle and rise, forming the Coast Range, between the City of Portland and the Pacific Ocean.