Uganda to launch rice cooker into space


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I feel sorry for that mouse. Somebody notify PETA.

Nsamba revealed that the space probe has self-defence, anti-time missile features, which protect it from being hit by missiles destined to destroy it in case it passes in the space of another country.

After its launch, they will put a mouse in it and will have it lifted to the stratosphere by a helium balloon. “We shall send a mouse to space. If it comes back alive, it will mean that Uganda is able to send human beings into space and we shall embark on constructing a new space observer that a person can use,” Nsamba said.


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PREMO Member
“This has demonstrated that Ugandans can also participate in sophisticated programmes. This is impressive and the Government will support the association. I am going to brief the President about this,” Ssekandi said.

is this a JOKE ?