Ugly Is The New Beautiful


professional daydreamer
Ugly is the new beautiful - Fashion & Beauty -

Too 'ugly' to model?
Not according to one talent agency in New York City. "Ugly," founded in 1969, looks for unique models who are not considered traditionally beautiful. According to agency founder Simon Rogers, "beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes," and in the modeling industry, there's room for all. Realizing that the word "ugly" carries a rather negative connotation, Rogers admits his agency's name is more "tongue in cheek" than literal, but don’t expect Gisele Bundchen on their roster anytime soon. "We now represent a really candid cross-section of what America is," he said.


Ugly is the new beautiful - Fashion & Beauty -

Too 'ugly' to model?
Not according to one talent agency in New York City. "Ugly," founded in 1969, looks for unique models who are not considered traditionally beautiful. According to agency founder Simon Rogers, "beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes," and in the modeling industry, there's room for all. Realizing that the word "ugly" carries a rather negative connotation, Rogers admits his agency's name is more "tongue in cheek" than literal, but don’t expect Gisele Bundchen on their roster anytime soon. "We now represent a really candid cross-section of what America is," he said.

Looks like 4d can get in to modeling now.


My favorite:


Old b!tch with some attitude!


Pfft you don't impress me
This was a long time coming, and honestly not all of them to me should even be considered “ugly”. One thing that burns me up the most is the fashion industry. Have you ever seen the runway fashions? Even if you are a celebrity, they are god-awful. I like to look in a magazine or catalog and see regular people wearing the fashions. People that I work with or see on a everyday basis because that is who will be buying and wearing the clothes or whatever. These supermodels would look good in anything but will I? Or someone that is not “perfect” Ok. Enough of my rant.


This was a long time coming, and honestly not all of them to me should even be considered “ugly”.

That's exactly it, they're not ugly. They're just not America's typical beauty queen models:

Ugly is the new beautiful - Fashion & Beauty -

Too 'ugly' to model?
Not according to one talent agency in New York City. "Ugly," founded in 1969, looks for unique models who are not considered traditionally beautiful. According to agency founder Simon Rogers, "beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes," and in the modeling industry, there's room for all. Realizing that the word "ugly" carries a rather negative connotation, Rogers admits his agency's name is more "tongue in cheek" than literal, but don’t expect Gisele Bundchen on their roster anytime soon. "We now represent a really candid cross-section of what America is," he said.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This was a long time coming, and honestly not all of them to me should even be considered “ugly”. One thing that burns me up the most is the fashion industry. Have you ever seen the runway fashions? Even if you are a celebrity, they are god-awful. I like to look in a magazine or catalog and see regular people wearing the fashions. People that I work with or see on a everyday basis because that is who will be buying and wearing the clothes or whatever. These supermodels would look good in anything but will I? Or someone that is not “perfect” Ok. Enough of my rant.

Are you gay?


New Member
Are you gay?

She is Team Pandora, what do you think? :howdy:

Women judge other women's bodies more than men!!! :lmao: That is a undeniable fact.

I don't want to see some coke snorting model wearing some clothes in a magazine either. Some of what they model looks like random crap you’d find in a rag bag in the closet and would like to just see everyday woman model for once.


professional daydreamer

Main Entry: 1gay
Pronunciation: \ˈgā\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French gai, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gāhi quick, sudden
Date: 14th century
1 a: happily excited : merry <in a gay mood> b: keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits <a bird's gay spring song>
2 a: bright , lively <gay sunny meadows> b: brilliant in color
3: given to social pleasures ; also : licentious
4 a: homosexual <gay men> b: of, relating to, or used by homosexuals <the gay rights movement> <a gay bar>
synonyms see lively
— gay adverb
— gay·ness noun


Pfft you don't impress me
Main Entry: 1gay
Pronunciation: \ˈgā\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French gai, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gāhi quick, sudden
Date: 14th century
1 a: happily excited : merry <in a gay mood> b: keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits <a bird's gay spring song>
2 a: bright , lively <gay sunny meadows> b: brilliant in color
3: given to social pleasures ; also : licentious
4 a: homosexual <gay men> b: of, relating to, or used by homosexuals <the gay rights movement> <a gay bar>
synonyms see lively
— gay adverb
— gay·ness noun

Thanks mAlice, I knew what it meant, :lmao: I was wondering why would she ask if I was gay, based on my post she quoted?