UH Oh......TC


Leap Of Faith Farm
Trying2Ride said:
I think I'm grounded.... someone is mad :whistle:

It was cool to meet ya too ..Us Yanks need to stick together :razz:

you bad bad girl .Did he see in the back of truck :buttkick: . Mine just said I told you we had to leave earlier . Me and Z got home around 10 ish .. So what night are we going to climb out the windows :whistle:

Are you going to start coming to the meetings on thursday nights now ??

I have to go to the barn and see how Rocky's doing I am sure he is sore .. I talked to his wrestling partner :wench: this morning and he is ok but sore also...

I'll talk to ya soon TC


New Member
To my knowledge he has yet to look in the back of the truck. When I got home it was a :duel: !! So I just let him :blahblah:and I continued to :alkies: Just let me know where and when and I'll be there.


Leap Of Faith Farm
Trying2Ride said:
To my knowledge he has yet to look in the back of the truck. When I got home it was a :duel: !! So I just let him :blahblah:and I continued to :alkies: Just let me know where and when and I'll be there.

Our meetings are Every 2nd Thursday of every month .. Next one is October 11th at MGH and Plum locos house.. Maybe we can get together before then .. there is also is a camping trip (overnight with the horses) the 12,13, and 14th of October Will get info and let you know .. we bring a tent , also I have a tent that fits on the back of my truck .

I am really surprised I do not have a big head this morning I feel fine ..

So when or what are the hours you can play ??? Mine works between 4:30 Am -- ? M-F Sat and Sundays he is home so I have to ask :wench: permission to go out and play on the weekends.
he gets mad when I play on weekdays but supposably :elaine: I can if it is Friday or Saturday night ..

I almost peeded my pants when Frog tried to get on Amira with Z and Plumloco and T tried to THROW him on and he was pulling z off and you were trying to pull z back on . :lmao:
I tried to get a picture but forgot to open the lens cover on my phone Blond moment (what size shirt did you say you HAD )

So I will PM you my info I think I still have yours in my pocket .. :buddies:


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
Trying2Ride said:
:roflmao: I thought they both were going to hit the dirt. I hear that "permission" thing.

HAY i was trying not to fall... My poor horse. :huggy: She puts up with soooo much from me and everyone else. Poor Amira ~Z~


Leap Of Faith Farm
Trying2Ride said:
:roflmao: I thought they both were going to hit the dirt. I hear that "permission" thing.

Ya I guess it was a GOOD thing they did have helmets on just in case they did hit the dirt.. frog said his but hurts from riding bare back on Amira :lmao:


Leap Of Faith Farm
Trying2Ride said:
To my knowledge he has yet to look in the back of the truck.

Are you still grounded ?? Friday night Z and I are going to the barn to give Rocky and Amira baths for Saturday . It is probably the only time rocky will be white .. :lmao: so if ya can get out come on down and have a few with me ..Not tooo :razz: much I can't ride Saturday with a hang over .TC


New Member
Can't be anymore...I saw the back of the truck and he added to it. :high5: I'll meet ya there. I'll try and bring my oldest she would love to meet you guys. Might have to have the other 2 in tow. I'll let you know.


Leap Of Faith Farm
Trying2Ride said:
Can't be anymore...I saw the back of the truck and he added to it. :high5: I'll meet ya there. I'll try and bring my oldest she would love to meet you guys. Might have to have the other 2 in tow. I'll let you know.

:lmao: Well they say if you can't beat them join them ... :razz:

Ok I will have my son 8 and Z be there around 5 ish. pm me and let me know about beverages...


Leap Of Faith Farm
Trying2Ride said:
Hubby wants to drop by to see where I'll be hiding. Put him on Rocky:shocking:

Your as bad as I am.. Rocky :whistle: why does he want to know were you are gonna be ?? that's why we hide ... :lmao: :elaine: