UK Police - looking for online bullies


PREMO Member
Surveillance powers will help to unmask online bullies

Police are to use sweeping new surveillance powers to unmask anonymous internet bullies and bring them to justice.

A new power that forces internet providers to retain web browsing information will help police to hunt down and identify the most serious cyberbullies and trolls, Theresa May has said.

The home secretary said that the new bill would help law enforcement authorities to fight a “pernicious issue”.

[rest of the article is behind a paywall]


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Some other link will carry the article soon. From the country that prides themselves on citizens rights and sharp pointy knives, well, errrr......maybe not.

Just last month, but I'd bet the new "cyberbullying" facet is included. Doesn't look like the law has actually passed yet, but for early 2016.
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