Ulcer Guard?


Rocky Mountain High!!
A friend's filly has been preliminarily diagnosed with stomach ulcers. She's been told to put her on ulcer guard for 10 days, then take her off to see if she gets sick again. If she does, she'll have to be on Ulcer guard for a month.

This stuff is pricey, is there a better way or cheap place to buy it?? Anyone have some they want to sell to her?


Cowgirl Up
A friend's filly has been preliminarily diagnosed with stomach ulcers. She's been told to put her on ulcer guard for 10 days, then take her off to see if she gets sick again. If she does, she'll have to be on Ulcer guard for a month.

This stuff is pricey, is there a better way or cheap place to buy it?? Anyone have some they want to sell to her?

I bought some for Splash when he coliced because the Dr was hoping his problem was ulcers and I remember it was $200+ for a box. She also wrote me a prescription that day for Ranitidine (Zantec) and for Carafate. But later that day was when we decided to take him to Woodside Equine Clinic... he was euthanised:bawl:. Dr Alisas let me return the Ulcerguard since we never had the chance to try it so I don't know how well it works.
I am almost positvie though that ulcerguard is omeprazole which is the same as previcid, nexium, prilocec, etc for people. I have gi issues and take nexium everyday but when I had 2 ulcers I was given a prescription for Karafate and it healed them within a month and they went away. I would almost think they they would need to take something like Karafate to heal them and then the ulcerguard would be a preventative. But I'm sure the vet knows best. Ulcers in horses as well as people can be very serious so its not something to take lightly. Hope this makes sense.
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New Member
My vet suggested Ranitidine instead, you can get your vet to write you a prescription and order it from smartpak or elsewhere. its A LOT cheaper and it worked too, i saw a difference in a week or 2. after a month of that i put my horse on an ulcer preventative powder from smartpak and he's doing great.


I use U-Gaurd on A man. It has been two weeks that he has been on it, and he is doing great.


New Member
I have used Gastro Guard on pre existing ulcers...expensive, but it works...

I've used U7, and still do, and get the same results on ulcer prone horses... we had all of our racing TB's on it, and it really works. Much less expensive than Gastro Guard and other ulcer meds... plus it's all natural and the horses love it.


New Member
I have used Gastro Guard on pre existing ulcers...expensive, but it works...

I've used U7, and still do, and get the same results on ulcer prone horses... we had all of our racing TB's on it, and it really works. Much less expensive than Gastro Guard and other ulcer meds... plus it's all natural and the horses love it.

I have used the U7 also...works great and is more reasonable in price


Does my butt look big?
I used both ulcer guard and sucarafate on the babies for 8 weeks...expensive but worked...Vet said U7 was more a preventitive...the Uguard and sucarafate for already having ulcers..


Here there and everywhere
She's got 10 days worth of U Guard, she ordered it online. Is Ranitidine a preventative or a healing?

If Ranitidine is the active ingredient for Uguard it prevents the stomach from producing acid thus letting the the stomach heal.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
yes, i'd say ranitidine is a healing thing too

I heard about Aloe Juice and papaya pills. I used them on my gelding who needed to be on months worth of bute, helped him out and was pretty inexpensive compared to other stuff, plus he liked it.


Rocky Mountain High!!
What si the symptoms for ulcers in equine???
She acted colicky...sort of. Just acted like she doesn't feel well. kind of depressed. miller says 10 days of ulcer guard, take her off it, then see if she goes back to not feeling well, then it's ulcers.


Here there and everywhere
She acted colicky...sort of. Just acted like she doesn't feel well. kind of depressed. miller says 10 days of ulcer guard, take her off it, then see if she goes back to not feeling well, then it's ulcers.

My 3 babies had ulcers...I lost Angel to probably a perforated ulcer...Ulcers are usually second to something more important..mine was Rhodacaucas pheumonia..good luck


Rocky Mountain High!!
:faint: Vet didn't tell her THAT!! OH NO!!
Vet told her "stress" related. But this filly prolly has the least stress of any of her horses. She's only 6 and not shown or anything. Certainly doesn't do any tough work of any sort. I thought it was weird that she would just develop ulcers out of the blue like that. What else can cause them?

Giddy up!

New Member
:faint: Vet didn't tell her THAT!! OH NO!!
Vet told her "stress" related. But this filly prolly has the least stress of any of her horses. She's only 6 and not shown or anything. Certainly doesn't do any tough work of any sort. I thought it was weird that she would just develop ulcers out of the blue like that. What else can cause them?

Pulled this off a website I found...Hope it helps.

While these may seem like a group of unrelated symptoms, they're not. They are common symptoms in horses with ulcers. Veterinarians and other researchers have recently recognized gastric and colonic ulcers as serious health threats, especially among performance horses or horses in training. The reasons ulcers are so common among these horses include:

Infrequent high carbohydrate meals plus inadequate access to hay or pasture

Heavy training schedules

High stress environments

Excessive use of drugs, especially non-steroidal and inflammatory drugs

Since most of the research has focused on gastric ulcers, we know quite a bit about the factors that cause them. One of the major causes is inadequate access to free choice hay or pasture. Horses are meant to eat continuously, so their stomachs secrete acid constantly. When they are able to graze constantly they secrete saliva, which has a buffering effect on the stomach acid.

Plus, the hay or grass forms a fibrous mat-like barrier between the acid in the lower portion of the stomach (where digestion is occurring) and the upper portion of the stomach, which cannot tolerate contact with the acid. The lower part of the stomach is protected by mucous while the upper part is not, so ulcers tend to form when acid moves into the upper portion of the stomach.

Exercise or a heavy training schedule is the second factor that can lead to gastric ulcers. When a horse exercises, he contracts his abdominal muscles, disrupting the protective fibrous mat and forcing acid into the upper portion of the stomach. Performance horses living in stalls may tense their abdominal muscles even when they are not exercising since regular barn activities may prevent them from fully relaxing, especially if they are not offered free choice hay to occupy their time. In contrast, horses living in pasture move about slowly in a relaxed manner.

A third cause of ulcers in performance horses is trailering. Horses must frequently tense their abdominal muscles to maintain balance in a moving trailer, which tends to have the same effect as heavy exercise. Since many people do not offer hay when hauling, their horses are faced with long, uncomfortable rides. It's no wonder that many horses start kicking and pawing in the trailer!

Finally, saddling and tightening the girth can cause your horse to tighten his muscles, forcing the acid into contact with any existing ulcers and aggravating ulcer pain. The association point for the stomach meridian lies under the back of the saddle where the ribs join the spine. If you suspect that your horse has ulcers, put light pressure on this point to see whether your horse has a pain response.

When a horse must be kept in training treating ulcers can be challenging. Most pharmaceutical products designed to treat ulcers act by blocking acid secretion. While this may be effective on a short term basis, it eventually interferes with proper digestion and adversely affects the health of the digestive system. Keeping your horse in as natural an environment as possible is best, including offering free choice hay, building digestive health, and providing nutritional support so the body can rapidly heal the ulcerated tissue.

For nutritional support, I like to use the Cell Tech regular EssentialsT, which provide probiotics, digestive enzymes and blue green algae to support and heal the digestive system. I have also had success with a new product called SucceedTM, which is also designed to support, protect and heal the digestive tract without interfering with normal acid production. I have done some field testing with this product and have been very impressed with its effect on the behavior of horses with ulcers who had not responded completely to other measures.

Tahitian Noni Juice is another good food based nutritional supplement to help your performance horse handle the rigors of training and competition. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of Noni juice allow the horse to recover faster and have less muscle soreness.

Horses can't use words to communicate with us so they have to send us signals when things aren't right. How many times do we confuse their attempts to communicate with a bad attitude? When a horse is punished for trying to communicate it causes him even more stress and discomfort, and the downward spiral continues. How many good horses have had their careers cut short because of discomfort from ulcers? Try supporting your horse's digestive tract and see how his performance and attitude improve.