Active Member
Ok, this one has me steamed, and I don't get steamed very often. I just read about how the county bought some land years ago from a family (basically made them sell and move) on Indian Bridge Road so the land would be "protected." Now, they want to build a school on this "protected" land. I say BS to that. I say the county should give it back to the family before they rip it up and build a school. Now, I am not against schools or children, heavens no, but I am fed up with our county destroying our land without rhyme or reason. I have never been an environmentalist or activist, but darn it, I say we fight "city hall" and protect our watersheds. Our county government has allowed developers to exploit our land (really) starting in the 1980's. They have allowed farms to become communities without provisions of schools and roads and look where we are now. Ya want a high school? Well, instead of a Home Depot across from Wildewood, how about a school there. You need an elementary school? How about the land on the corner of Rt. 4 and 235? or 235 and Shady Mile Drive? There's an idea. How about the North End? Hmmm, well, how about the land across from the Amish Market? Leave our forrests alone and do things wisely, and how about looking 20 years down the road instead of 5? My apologies for my rant, but this really has me steamed. :angry: