Unknown process is using system resources


Need some g33kage.

Is there anyway I can tell what process is using a Windows resource?

Say I want to delete a folder, but "a process" (unknown which one) is still using the folder. How can I found out which process it is using the folder? Because as far as I can tell - I closed everything using the folder a while back. I'd hate to have to reboot just to delete a stupid folder.

Is there any software I can download, or is there anything that comes with Windows that will do this?


I know nothing
Toxick said:
It's empty.

Not even any hidden files are there.

Something is in there.... Is it a windows system folder? Or something you created?

Try booting in safe mode and deleting the folder


LordStanley said:
Something is in there.... Is it a windows system folder? Or something you created?

Try booting in safe mode and deleting the folder

No, it's not a system folder. It's a folder I created on my desktop - I did some hacky stuff with it, then I deleted everything in the folder, but I can't delete the folder itself.

It's not that big of a deal and I'm fairly certain that on reboot - safe-mode or not - I will be able to delete this folder. I'm trying to avoid a reboot if possible.

If this was a one-time thing, I'd just reboot and forget about it, but this has happened to me before. All it is, is a lingering process which was using the folder, and for some reason the process never died. I've checked all my running processes using Process Explorer, but I recognize all the running processes, and as far as I can tell, none of them should be blocking me.

What I need is a program like ProcessExplorer, but which has a Resource-Trace function. I'm sure there must be something out there like this.



Process Explorer does what I need.

It turns out the Windows Explorer shell itself is using a handle to the folder.
Not sure why.