Unprecedented Solar Event


New Member
It's amazing to think that in all these years there has never been a total eclipse of the sun on the first day of Spring and the first day of the Jewish calendar.

Good article... indeed... it is interesting...



The total eclipse of the sun is for 2 minutes -AT THE NORTH POLE. Also, the claim that it has never happened in human history may be correct in that it only occurs about every 100,000 years on the same day as the spring equinox. However, with if you use the scientifically accepted age of the earth - about 4 and 1/2 Billion years vice the Jewish calendar of 5775 years - a 100,000 year event would occurred about 45,000 times. Hardly anything new in the grand scheme of things.


Well-Known Member
The total eclipse of the sun is for 2 minutes -AT THE NORTH POLE. Also, the claim that it has never happened in human history may be correct in that it only occurs about every 100,000 years on the same day as the spring equinox. However, with if you use the scientifically accepted age of the earth - about 4 and 1/2 Billion years vice the Jewish calendar of 5775 years - a 100,000 year event would occurred about 45,000 times. Hardly anything new in the grand scheme of things.

You might want to re-examine that "scientifically accepted age of the earth" thingy, seeing how that "scientifically accepted Big Bang for about the last 70 years theory of creation of the universe" has been put aside, by the same people that formerly swore by it.

But still way cool. Especially at the North Pole.
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Well-Known Member
You might want to re-examine that "scientifically accepted age of the earth" thingy, seeing how that "scientifically accepted Big Bang for about the last 70 years theory of creation of the universe" has been put aside, by the same people that formerly swore by it.

But still way cool. Especially at the North Pole.

Who 'put the big bang theory aside'?


professional daydreamer


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Well-Known Member
Who 'put the big bang theory aside'?

If you can't prove it by science, it ain't true, right? I think it's funny when people have theories explode in their faces, especially after "irrefutable proof" has been quashed.


"Cosmic inflation plays an integral role in the Big Bang model, so the current lack of testable evidence for it presents a challenge for secular scientists. Brian Thomas, science writer for the Institute for Creation Research, says now would be “a good time for secular scientists to take a hard look at their biases and presuppositions.”

“Why is it that they are willing to entertain bizarre explanations for our existence (other universes, the seeding of life on Earth by space aliens, etc.), but they are unwilling to consider biblical creation?” Thomas wrote in a recent online article. “Why do otherwise brilliant scientists embrace logically fallacious explanations for our existence?”

“The answer is quite simple,” Thomas continued. “Acknowledging creation requires that we acknowledge our Creator, and for many, that is simply unacceptable.”

Science will keep on looking for any alternative to the creator. That human pride thing.

In the meantime, this eclipse will be really cool.


Bead mumbler
Oh dear God you evangelicals who are young earthers really really make Christians look stupid. You really need to go buy a ticket and fly up to Maryland today and hear the Vatican astronomer and Carl Sagan medal award winner who is speaking tonight in Port Tobacco. Stop trying to drive a wedge between science and religion. What are you threatened by?


Well-Known Member
Oh dear God you evangelicals who are young earthers really really make Christians look stupid. You really need to go buy a ticket and fly up to Maryland today and hear the Vatican astronomer and Carl Sagan medal award winner who is speaking tonight in Port Tobacco. Stop trying to drive a wedge between science and religion. What are you threatened by?

What the heck are you ranting about? Who's driving a wedge between science and religion? Science and Christianity go together very well. Do you not comprehend what a "theory" is, and why it remains a theory and not proven? I do believe you drive yourself insane, purposely.


Well-Known Member
If you can't prove it by science, it ain't true, right? I think it's funny when people have theories explode in their faces, especially after "irrefutable proof" has been quashed.


"Cosmic inflation plays an integral role in the Big Bang model, so the current lack of testable evidence for it presents a challenge for secular scientists. Brian Thomas, science writer for the Institute for Creation Research, says now would be “a good time for secular scientists to take a hard look at their biases and presuppositions.”

“Why is it that they are willing to entertain bizarre explanations for our existence (other universes, the seeding of life on Earth by space aliens, etc.), but they are unwilling to consider biblical creation?” Thomas wrote in a recent online article. “Why do otherwise brilliant scientists embrace logically fallacious explanations for our existence?”

“The answer is quite simple,” Thomas continued. “Acknowledging creation requires that we acknowledge our Creator, and for many, that is simply unacceptable.”

Science will keep on looking for any alternative to the creator. That human pride thing.

In the meantime, this eclipse will be really cool.

I was over in the parallel universe a little bit ago and that's not what they are saying.


Well-Known Member
If you can't prove it by science, it ain't true, right? I think it's funny when people have theories explode in their faces, especially after "irrefutable proof" has been quashed.


"Cosmic inflation plays an integral role in the Big Bang model, so the current lack of testable evidence for it presents a challenge for secular scientists. Brian Thomas, science writer for the Institute for Creation Research, says now would be “a good time for secular scientists to take a hard look at their biases and presuppositions.”

“Why is it that they are willing to entertain bizarre explanations for our existence (other universes, the seeding of life on Earth by space aliens, etc.), but they are unwilling to consider biblical creation?” Thomas wrote in a recent online article. “Why do otherwise brilliant scientists embrace logically fallacious explanations for our existence?”

“The answer is quite simple,” Thomas continued. “Acknowledging creation requires that we acknowledge our Creator, and for many, that is simply unacceptable.”

Science will keep on looking for any alternative to the creator. That human pride thing.

In the meantime, this eclipse will be really cool.
Some guy at the institute for creation research is a far cry from the physicists who theorized the big bang.
Thomas never believed the big bang in the first place and is writing for an organization that starts with the theory that the biblical creation story is factual.
You might want to re-examine that "scientifically accepted age of the earth" thingy, seeing how that "scientifically accepted Big Bang for about the last 70 years theory of creation of the universe" has been put aside, by the same people that formerly swore by it.

But still way cool. Especially at the North Pole.

You want to try again at finding scientists who are putting aside the BB theory?