Unusual themes for Vacation Bible Schools


Asperger's Poster Child
Some churches are using Western or science fiction themes, and I don't see how they use that to teach kids about the Bible.

What would be the strangest theme you could think of for a Bible school session? Mad Max? Broadway musicals? Chris Matthews Hardball?


Creative Marketing! If ya think about it.. It's pure genius! :biggrin:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Here's one for Sharon:


What to Bring to Bible Camp?

* King James Bible (1611 version)
* Highlighter
* Semi-Automatic Pistol
* Revolver with Telescopic Lens
* Plenty of Ammunition
* Knives suitable for skinning
* Cell Phone and Walkie Talkie
* Fireworks
* Tape Recorder
* Hand Cuffs
* One Change of Clothes
* Money for Offering Plate
* Rope

Sign me up! :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Ok, I confess - Landover Baptist dot org is a parody site. It's not a REAL church. But it is one of the funniest parodies I have ever seen. Been going there a long time, for laughs.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Originally posted by SamSpade
Ok, I confess - Landover Baptist dot org is a parody site. It's not a REAL church. But it is one of the funniest parodies I have ever seen. Been going there a long time, for laughs.

OMG, you mean the WWJD thong is not REAL?

(haha just kidding, I love that site too. One of my favorites is the Green Mile movie review!)


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Landover Baptist dot org is a parody site. It's not a REAL church. But it is one of the funniest parodies I have ever seen. Been going there a long time, for laughs.
Ditto. :yay:

Pssst... you shouldn't have let on until the libs made fun of the far-right, gun-toting Christians. :bubble:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by SamSpade
Ok, I confess - Landover Baptist dot org is a parody site. It's not a REAL church. But it is one of the funniest parodies I have ever seen. Been going there a long time, for laughs.

You suppose the site's Webmaster knows Sir Redneck?


The Bible makes it perfectly clear in Genesis 9:18-29 that there were no coloreds around until after the time of Noah. God turned Noah's son, Ham, into the first Negro as a punishment for staring at his drunk daddy's tallywhacker. Creation Science evidence also shows that God gave Ham and all of his male Negro descendants enormous tallywhackers of their own, to prevent them being curious about white folks.
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