First off... ain't the whole world.
There's a good piece in the Post today by Novak pointing out that Chirac is not trusted by the left in France and not approved of by the right either. He appeals, it seems to middle of the road anti US sentiment but most of it seems to truly be anti Bush more than anti US. Remember, the 'world' loved Clinton. It's a French thing. They loved Ben Franklin as well because he was, like Clinton, a bright man of appetites who knew how to flirt. So French.
They hate cowboys.
France also has a HUGE Muslim problem. Hell, they had civil unrest when they made a big deal about female head coverings.
The Netherlands has Muslim issues as does Germany and Great Britain.
These countries have less than replacement birth levels and have welcomed immigrant labor, much of it Islamic, because they ain't got no workers.
We have the same fundamental issue, labor needs, but our immigrants are largely Hispanic which means Catholic which means much more Western in mindset than, obviously, Islamic immigrants.
People are rightly concerned with illegal immigration in this country because there is no sense of control over it. The good news is our immigrants want to become Americans.
Europe is SCREWED because the basic tenents of Islam are that wherever Islam resides, that country must become Islamic.
It is not PC but we ARE engaged in a Holy War which makes our liberals double stupid because if we lose they're the ones whose lifestyle and ideas will be changed the most.