Update on United Nations Oil-For-Food Scandal


Dancing Up A Storm
It appears that Kojo Annan, Kofi Annan's son, has had his fingers in the money jar for much, much longer than anyone expected or even realised.

He's been receiving payments for the last 5 years, when it was reported, and assumed he had quit the business.

Read the article:


Do they run a tight ship over there at the UN, or what? :whistle:


We just need to politely tell everyone in the UN building in NY to get out and then demolish the building and put up a Walmart, Home Depot, Starbucks, and Pottery Barn.


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
Yeah, just what NYC needs - another Starbucks :lol:
No, not that, but I do agree - we need to kick those fools out of there, tell them to find their own place in Kofi's hometown and let them be.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If these allegations are true, it means that part of our tax dollars - yours and mine, along with everyone else's in America - have gone to fund the insurgency in Iraq, which has killed over 1,000 of our sons and daughters.

If George Bush wants to be a hero, he'll pull us out of the UN and spend those $billions$ a year on something else.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you look at the endless stream of obvious conflicts...

...as regards Iraq, including Frances illegal business dealings, Frances promises to veto action against Iraq, the oil kick backs and all the rest and US left wing opposition to do anything about it, a picture becomes clear:

We should have sent a secret memo to Dan Rather replacing the word 'UN' corruption with the word 'Haliburton' and, all of a sudden, liberals would understand;

What you wrongly think Haliburton has done, the UN is the home of.


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
...as regards Iraq, including Frances illegal business dealings, Frances promises to veto action against Iraq, the oil kick backs and all the rest and US left wing opposition to do anything about it, a picture becomes clear:

We should have sent a secret memo to Dan Rather replacing the word 'UN' corruption with the word 'Haliburton' and, all of a sudden, liberals would understand;

What you wrongly think Haliburton has done, the UN is the home of.
That is what has many, many people upset and up in arms against France.

But it was not only them: I heard Germany, Russia and a few other countries were in on the deal too.

That is why conservative news announcers on the TV, are following this very closely, because they've sniffed this out many moons ago from their Congressional sources.

I've also caught a few of the Congressional Hearings on this matter, and you can see the Liberals downplaying it, and finding other possibilities as to why this scandal might have happened, ie., how much of the money garnered by Saddam went to fund new military arms and fortifications.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...when time has cooled partisan passions on the subject of global terror and Iraqs role the story will read:

1. We've been at war with Iraq since 1991. Between then and now we simply had a cease fire with them as they sought to meet the conditions of the cease fire and we sought to allow them to do so. Acts of war by both sides continued sporadically up to the '03 invasion.

2. Osama declared war on us in either 97 or 98.

3. Iraqs behavior since the cease fire began as regards UN sanctions, meeting all cease fire conditions including WMD programs, stockpiles, planning etc and the status of inspections clearly exposed a strategy of wearing out world attention. Saddam retained and upgraded everything he needed to jumpstart his WMD programs when the time came.

4. In the mean time all sorts of violations of UN mandates as regards the cease fire and WMD's occured on a regular basis via the food and relief programs covered by oil sales. Oil, literally, greased the skids for Iraq to break the rules and the corruption caused the UN to repeatedly issue naughty notes...and do nothing.

5. Osamas war against the US served to help take attention off of Iraq. The desire to disassociate Osamas and Sadaams aims in regards to the common enemy, the US, is as absurd as claiming drug dealers and car thiefs have no common interest as to what the local cops are doing.

At the end of the day, any rational, objective analysis supported the basic premise of the Iraq '03 invasion and the IW resolution; Saddam was a global thorn that was not going away on its own. He would have to be dealt with sooner or later. Sooner being better.

We have corruption of the great international body, the UN by a patently evil regime in Iraq. We have the global threat of proliferation of WMD knowledge and capability by this regime. We have an active war with Al Queda and any and all supporters of their aims, global Islamic theocracy.

And we have ardent opposition to putting out a fire before it gets out of hand.


Dancing Up A Storm
Excellent Summary, Larry,

Larry Gude said:
...when time has cooled partisan passions on the subject of global terror and Iraqs role the story will read:

1. We've been at war with Iraq since 1991. Between then and now we simply had a cease fire with them as they sought to meet the conditions of the cease fire and we sought to allow them to do so. Acts of war by both sides continued sporadically up to the '03 invasion.

2. Osama declared war on us in either 97 or 98.

3. Iraqs behavior since the cease fire began as regards UN sanctions, meeting all cease fire conditions including WMD programs, stockpiles, planning etc and the status of inspections clearly exposed a strategy of wearing out world attention. Saddam retained and upgraded everything he needed to jumpstart his WMD programs when the time came.

4. In the mean time all sorts of violations of UN mandates as regards the cease fire and WMD's occured on a regular basis via the food and relief programs covered by oil sales. Oil, literally, greased the skids for Iraq to break the rules and the corruption caused the UN to repeatedly issue naughty notes...and do nothing.

5. Osamas war against the US served to help take attention off of Iraq. The desire to disassociate Osamas and Sadaams aims in regards to the common enemy, the US, is as absurd as claiming drug dealers and car thiefs have no common interest as to what the local cops are doing.

At the end of the day, any rational, objective analysis supported the basic premise of the Iraq '03 invasion and the IW resolution; Saddam was a global thorn that was not going away on its own. He would have to be dealt with sooner or later. Sooner being better.

We have corruption of the great international body, the UN by a patently evil regime in Iraq. We have the global threat of proliferation of WMD knowledge and capability by this regime. We have an active war with Al Queda and any and all supporters of their aims, global Islamic theocracy.

And we have ardent opposition to putting out a fire before it gets out of hand.
But it also begs a question, maybe two, as far as I see it:

Does the rest of the world really hate the USA that much - where they're willing to accept the outcome of this terrorist global activity?

Do they honestly believe it will be content to contain itself with only America as it's sworn enemy?


Let me go out on a limb here: Could there be a concerted conspiracy to bring down the USA, out of hate and jealousy on a global level?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
First off...

...it ain't the whole world.

There's a good piece in the Post today by Novak pointing out that Chirac is not trusted by the left in France and not approved of by the right either. He appeals, it seems to middle of the road anti US sentiment but most of it seems to truly be anti Bush more than anti US. Remember, the 'world' loved Clinton. It's a French thing. They loved Ben Franklin as well because he was, like Clinton, a bright man of appetites who knew how to flirt. So French.

They hate cowboys.

France also has a HUGE Muslim problem. Hell, they had civil unrest when they made a big deal about female head coverings.

The Netherlands has Muslim issues as does Germany and Great Britain.

These countries have less than replacement birth levels and have welcomed immigrant labor, much of it Islamic, because they ain't got no workers.

We have the same fundamental issue, labor needs, but our immigrants are largely Hispanic which means Catholic which means much more Western in mindset than, obviously, Islamic immigrants.

People are rightly concerned with illegal immigration in this country because there is no sense of control over it. The good news is our immigrants want to become Americans.

Europe is SCREWED because the basic tenents of Islam are that wherever Islam resides, that country must become Islamic.

It is not PC but we ARE engaged in a Holy War which makes our liberals double stupid because if we lose they're the ones whose lifestyle and ideas will be changed the most.