update to a very sad story..


Does my butt look big?
Original story

The updated email they sent to someone on HC today.

Hi Johanna -

Nayas is doing pretty good. Her foster Mom is an intensive care nurse who has two decades of horse experience so it's the perfect home for her. She is now able to get outside to graze for a while each day and loves it. She's not yet strong enough to be turned out with her other herd-mates but they making each others acquaintances over the top of the fences.

Naysa's injuries are healing - those on her body are doing well and the hole in her face is closing up. She is still very shy of humans so slow and steady is the way to go with her. She is becoming more and more trustful of her foster mom and allows her to clean and medicate her - bathe her - love on her, etc.

Naysa has a weekly appointment with an equine chiropractor and that is doing her a tremendous amount of good. She has one disk that is torqued and her neck was a mess as you can imagine. She and her foster mom do exercises everyday and her range of motion is getting better.

Here is a movie that Julie, one of our members and a friend of mine who went with me to pick up Naysa, put together ... it's still hard for me to watch but it is so good ... please feel free to share the movie and cross post ...


Thank you for your concern and interest,

Rebecca Williams
Habitat For Horses, Inc.
409.419.0949 Fax


New Member
Man's capacity for inhumane actions appears to be bottomless from reading this account. What can he possibly think of himself and his actions? What a sad, sad story.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Pasofever said:
Original story

The updated email they sent to someone on HC today.

Hi Johanna -

Nayas is doing pretty good. Her foster Mom is an intensive care nurse who has two decades of horse experience so it's the perfect home for her. She is now able to get outside to graze for a while each day and loves it. She's not yet strong enough to be turned out with her other herd-mates but they making each others acquaintances over the top of the fences.

Naysa's injuries are healing - those on her body are doing well and the hole in her face is closing up. She is still very shy of humans so slow and steady is the way to go with her. She is becoming more and more trustful of her foster mom and allows her to clean and medicate her - bathe her - love on her, etc.

Naysa has a weekly appointment with an equine chiropractor and that is doing her a tremendous amount of good. She has one disk that is torqued and her neck was a mess as you can imagine. She and her foster mom do exercises everyday and her range of motion is getting better.

Here is a movie that Julie, one of our members and a friend of mine who went with me to pick up Naysa, put together ... it's still hard for me to watch but it is so good ... please feel free to share the movie and cross post ...


Thank you for your concern and interest,

Rebecca Williams
Habitat For Horses, Inc.
409.419.0949 Fax

Bless her heart and will to live. What a sad story and I hope he will pay dearly for what he did to her.


New Member
i'm :burning: and it makes me want to :barf: what cruelty. i think we need in reinstate eye for and eye punishment for that guy.


:bawl: I am so sad I feel bad for the horse. I hope she makes a full recovery. I hope the guy that did that gets in some serious trouble and some serious fines get smacked in his face for doing such a horrible thing to such a beautiful horse


New Member
this just makes me want to cry....how could anyone be so vile????? thank the lord she was rescued and is now with a good home...


New Member
Pasofever said:
Original story

The updated email they sent to someone on HC today.

Hi Johanna -

Nayas is doing pretty good. Her foster Mom is an intensive care nurse who has two decades of horse experience so it's the perfect home for her. She is now able to get outside to graze for a while each day and loves it. She's not yet strong enough to be turned out with her other herd-mates but they making each others acquaintances over the top of the fences.

Naysa's injuries are healing - those on her body are doing well and the hole in her face is closing up. She is still very shy of humans so slow and steady is the way to go with her. She is becoming more and more trustful of her foster mom and allows her to clean and medicate her - bathe her - love on her, etc.

Naysa has a weekly appointment with an equine chiropractor and that is doing her a tremendous amount of good. She has one disk that is torqued and her neck was a mess as you can imagine. She and her foster mom do exercises everyday and her range of motion is getting better.

Here is a movie that Julie, one of our members and a friend of mine who went with me to pick up Naysa, put together ... it's still hard for me to watch but it is so good ... please feel free to share the movie and cross post ...


Thank you for your concern and interest,

Rebecca Williams
Habitat For Horses, Inc.
409.419.0949 Fax
I hope the person that did that gets what they deserve...totally unbelievable...very cruel and heartless...


I don't have the words to say what is in my heart for that man! I see things like this and I truely hate humans! Thank God there are animal lovers in this world that are above the disgusting, vile and worthless humans there are in this world. I am just sick, that poor horse, I have never ever seen anything so bad in my life, and for her to fight to live. She is a miracle! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Wow, what a horrible thing to happen to such a beautiful creature. I'm amazed at this animal's will to survive and hope she lives a long life in spite of the horrors she's been through.

The bastage who did this to her was only charged with two counts of animal cruelty. UFB. I wish they'd do to him the things they did to Nayas. :mad:


appendixqh said:
That was disgusting!!! Thanks for making me cry first thing in the AM!

Took the words right out of my mouth. I'm waiting to hear if charges are being brought against the man.

Paso, let us know if you receive any more news. Now I'm going to send them a donation. Everyone go hug your horse!


New Member
Thanks for posting that Passo... I read that story, it was nice to see an update and that she is doing well.... I'm sending in my donation, they are really doing wonderful work down there!


New Member
oh that was so terrible. There was a foal that had the same treatment he was so terribly hurt he was put down. I can't find the info on it but one of my rescue groups (a yahoo group,) was taking care of the poor guy and his brother he did not make it though. so sad.